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The White Cube

uploaded: Sun, Nov 8, 2009 @ 4:03 PM
Recommends (67)
This poem was written specifically for “The White Cube” installation taking place at RAM Gallery in Oslo, Norway in commemoration of its 20th anniversary.

Gurdonark and I have been invited to bring the mixters into this exhibition through the creation of a sonic installation revolving around the themes of The White Cube/Winter light.

Please see the detailed description of this project in the announcements and in the related blog.

I do hope you will remix this piece so your work can be included in “The White Cube” installation at RAM Gallery.


You set the tea light on the table
its flicker a delicate tease of what you might see
the early shadows barely breathe in that intimacy
as you look, as you reach
recognition bursts!
Its brightness the brightest sun reflected on fields of snow so in that moment the whole room explodes!

We start as a white cube
with a floor and walls
where we put up our ideas
and watch them hang
and then we take them down again.

In this space we speak of the color white
the color of all colors combined
the color of all of our options
the color of our connection that traverses space and time.

December in the north
the darkness lingers
so that even the shade of the moon seems bright.
You reach out and grab that light
the palpable tangible meaning of life.

"The White Cube"
by SackJo22

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Samples are used in:

WhiCu by Pitx