Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!
Mon, Jul 5 9:29 AM The Big OT :: What is a Re Mixer?
I used to browse the latest samples and acappellas to find ideas for tracks and ...
Sat, Aug 8 4:33 AM Features :: How hot is hot ?
My guess is that what's hot is determined by the number of likes and the number ...
Thu, Jul 9 8:59 PM Help :: "What about original material?"
Maybe I don't understand your question exactly, but you're not supposed to uploa...
Sun, May 3 9:28 PM Bugs :: Double recommend
Although I appreciate every recommend, even more so when given twice, I guess th...
Sat, May 2 10:00 AM Bugs :: Submit Files message/block
I was more thinking about your own original contributions to the remix. For inst...
Thu, Apr 30 8:39 PM Announcements :: Catalyst Remix Event
Listened to it yesterday evening. Nice.
Thu, Apr 30 8:36 PM Bugs :: Submit Files message/block
In the past, people used to upload pellas as separate, but with CCPlus around th...
Wed, Mar 4 8:53 PM Features :: How do extended mixes work?
I don't think they show up in remixes, at least not in the past. I did a lengthy...
Tue, Feb 18 3:13 AM Help :: How do I edit my profile blurb?
That's weird. I also don't see a text field to enter a Home Page URL. Maybe one ...
Sun, Feb 16 8:51 PM Help :: How do I edit my profile blurb?
When you click "Edit Your Profile" there should be a "About You" box. That's the...
Sun, Oct 29 8:45 AM Announcements :: Ghost Notes
Mon, Nov 7 8:24 PM Features :: searchable tag for song KEY on the upload page
+1 for searchable song key. Especially in those cases where the samples are of s...
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