Submit Files message/block
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Sun, Apr 26, 2020 @ 5:50 AM
Lemme see if I can explain this clearly.
When I go to the submit files page to upload a remix and it’s still a little while before the unblocking there is this message in the ‘submit samples’ box - “You are not authorized to submit this type of file at this time, most likely because you have met the quota for this type of submission.” (I haven’t uploaded a sample in a month.) And in the ‘submit remix’ box, where that message should be, there is no message and there is the link to upload a remix (remix upload still blocked though, as it should be). So I’m essentially blocked from uploading remixes and samples at that point even though I hadn’t uploaded a sample in a month. Then when the blocked period for remix uploads is over and I upload a remix it all resets to what it should be. Remixes blocked, message in that box. Samples unblocked, no message in that box. But this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this, in fact I see it every time I upload a remix. ??? |
![]() admin
Sun, Apr 26, 2020 @ 7:52 AM
I’m not 100% sure why, but I think at this point (4-26-20) it’s counting “These Days” and “Bigger Things” as samples and remixes — they both appear to have ‘sample’ tags and appear in the Samples Browser. The times don’t always match up for when the quota lifts for samples, though it should be today.
For your remixes, did you intend the additional uploads to be samples, or rather, did you classify them as “sample” in file management? |
Don’t know for sure, but I can see why if it’s on purpose — it gets additional promotion both immediately and in future searches.
I think the same is true if you also include an additional upload and classify it as ‘accapella.’ But I’m pretty sure that in order to count as a remix, it has to originally be submitted that way. |
Yes. For that is in fact what they are.
The site was intended to really be that way - an ongoing mixversation, where most of what is here both derives from something and leads to something. Adding additional files with these types does make them an upload that is and should be interesting to people looking for those kinds of parts. If you’re looking for a pella, you’d want to see anything good - I don’t think you’d want a result filtered out simply because it incorporates a remix. In the past, people used to upload pellas as separate, but with CCPlus around that’s generally a bad idea, because it cuts out earlier mixversations from their share of a remix’s potential revenue… so it is important to let a new original vocal stand as part of the original upload, and be discoverable as a pella. |
Quote: Admiral BobIn the past, people used to upload pellas as separate, but with CCPlus around that’s generally a bad idea, because it cuts out earlier mixversations from their share of a remix’s potential revenue… so it is important to let a new original vocal stand as part of the original upload, and be discoverable as a pella.
Except if one of the earlier mixversations doesn’t have a ccPlus option, because then not only the remix, but also your pella (or samples) lose the ccPlus option. Or am I missing something? I can also imagine that you want to have your pella a less restrictive license (CC BY instead of CC BY-NC). |
If what you’ve done is a derivative work, based on an earlier person’s work, tracking their melodies and changes, I don’t think that’s an option. You can’t expand someone’s previous copyleft generosity against their will.
I was more thinking about your own original contributions to the remix. For instance, using someone else’s pella that has a BY-NC license and then wanting to have a BY license for your own chord progression, rhythms etc. that you wrote to go with the pella.
I certainly think there are tracks and beats that stand on their own enough to do that, or even pellas that don’t track an instrumental. It is a judgement call at times, I am sure.