Imagination Rising Remix Event
Ivan Chew:
Fri, Jun 14 8:30 AM Help :: Can I use the backing tracks, recording my voice and post them, then, on spotify?
Hi, the quick answer is Yes. You're referring to those licensed under CC-BY c...
Tue, Jun 11 9:58 AM Announcements :: InTENtions Remix Event
Ten years ago and ten years from now — what were and are our inTENtions? Whe...
Fri, May 10 1:12 AM The Big OT :: Actually this is VERY much on topic - Magazine interview of ccM-er Emily aka Mdm Snowflake
Starts from Page 23.
Tue, Mar 12 11:57 PM The Big OT :: Article: "Let's remember to be kind"
You're welcome. And you've given me more food for thought: Hard truths are neces...
Mon, Mar 11 9:01 PM The Big OT :: Article: "Let's remember to be kind"
Still the same nice guy that you are!
Thu, Mar 7 10:06 PM Pluggy Plugs :: 2018 & upcoming 2019 Creative Commons music project
Published this in Dec 2018. Extremely grateful to my talented friends who gamely...
Tue, Feb 26 9:57 PM DIY :: You ever discovered something you didn't know you could do?
I'd say no. Maybe the ability to unconsciously keep to the measure of a song whe...
Tue, Feb 26 9:40 PM The Big OT :: Article: "Let's remember to be kind"
Sharing it here:
Tue, Jan 8 6:07 AM The Big OT :: helpful tip for Internet
Good call on your part to exercise caution. On a related note, just because some...
Mon, Jan 7 5:53 AM Announcements :: ccMusic Award Nominees
I thought I was up-to-date with CC-related initiatives but OK, professing my ign...
Tue, Aug 21 9:46 AM The Big OT :: Oh, so it's not sail boats!
I must have visited a different blog by the same name then :) (Oh come on. It...
Tue, Aug 14 1:30 AM Announcements :: Help Us Re-Design ccMixter
Seems to me Beta was designed for 'consumers' while pre-Beta was for 'producers'...
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