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Ivan Chew:

Ivan Chew

About Me
A former librarian-turned-entrepreneur. Ivan blamed it on the inevitable midlife crisis (ok, not really).

Carbon-based bipedal lifeform.
Born and bred in sunny Singapore.

Discovered blogs in 2004. GarageBand in 2006. Then Creative Commons and ccMixter came along.

Life was never the same thereafter.

p.s. I tag my uploads with singapore in the hope that some day that tag results page will have more than my stuff.
Member since
Wed, Oct 4, 2006
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Ivan Chew is found 251 times in playlists
Ivan Chew has 109 remixes and has been remixed 162 times.
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Ivan Chew has left 1060 reviews and has been reviewed 878 times
Forum posts
Ivan Chew has posted 63 forum messages