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Article: "Let's remember to be kind"

Ivan Chew
permalink   Tue, Feb 26, 2019 @ 9:40 PM
Sharing it here:

An excellent reminder.

On a related note: I rediscovered one of my early ccM uploads after someone remixed it. My early track sounded decent back then but now it would be something I’d find cringeworthy. Re-reading the comments for that upload, I was also reminded of the rather gracious comments from the community. Not so much as condescension but an understanding that everyone is at a different level of skills and musical maturity. That’s one outstanding aspect of ccM and it makes me glad that culture seems to have remained consistent for over a decade. Big thank you to all you admins & ccMers.

Ok, end of soppy pontification.
Admiral Bob
permalink   Mon, Mar 11, 2019 @ 2:25 PM
I went and listened to it (White Knights.) I kinda like that, nothing to cringe at.
permalink   Ivan Chew Mon, Mar 11, 2019 @ 9:01 PM
Still the same nice guy that you are!
permalink   Tue, Mar 12, 2019 @ 12:18 PM
Thank you for this post Ivan! It really struck a chord for me (pun intended LOL). I, too, look back on my early uploads here with some degree of horror — terribly pitchy vocals, timing errors, and mixes that just sound really off. Thanks to the positive feedback of the ccMixter community, I’ve continued to improve every aspect of my art. And similar artist development is observable with other members of our community.

Kindness works. Encouragement is more productive than cruel criticism. Thanks for reminding us Ivan. xxx
permalink   Ivan Chew Tue, Mar 12, 2019 @ 11:57 PM
You’re welcome. And you’ve given me more food for thought: Hard truths are necessary; cruelty isn’t.
permalink   Admiral Bob Sun, Mar 17, 2019 @ 3:27 PM
Ain’t that the truth. I listen to my earliest vocal uploads, and its like “that guy can’t carry a tune in a bucket.” :)

I am glad no one ever said it though. Something I needed to realize on my own.