Imagination Rising Remix Event
Ivan Chew:
Fri, Aug 3 11:15 AM The Big OT :: Oh, so it's not sail boats!
For the longest time, I always thought long time ccM-er Richard "Admiral Bob" ch...
Fri, Jul 20 12:28 AM Pluggy Plugs :: Will stems for this be appropriate for ccM?
Actually, you just gave me an idea. I could exclude the very obvious parts. Then...
Sun, Jul 15 9:50 AM Pluggy Plugs :: Will stems for this be appropriate for ccM?
Wanted to post this under Help but might potentially be misunderstood as a plugg...
Wed, Jun 27 1:43 AM The Big OT :: bored
to a very considered response, Speck. I've always treated the Ed Picks as wh...
Wed, Jun 27 12:06 AM Announcements :: My Love for You Echoes with the Sound of the Shifting Sun
I find it hard to believe any music challenge can kick Admiral "music machine" B...
Tue, Jun 26 10:13 AM DIY :: Ultimate EQ Cheat Sheet
Thanks for this!
Mon, Jun 18 11:41 PM Announcements :: My Love for You Echoes with the Sound of the Shifting Sun
I have a list of what I consider as Post & Progressive Rock http://beta.ccmixte...
Mon, Jun 11 8:50 PM Announcements :: My Love for You Echoes with the Sound of the Shifting Sun
I have fav tracks rather than bands, but if I have to name a few bands, they wou...
Mon, Jun 11 5:54 AM Announcements :: My Love for You Echoes with the Sound of the Shifting Sun
I signed up because the title/ theme sounds so post-rock!
Thu, May 10 6:17 AM The Big OT :: This album seems to be a violation of CC terms
Yeah I thought making a report to Amazon was relatively easy. Re: the "no way (t...
Wed, May 2 7:24 PM The Big OT :: This album seems to be a violation of CC terms
Indeed. Though I'm disappointed the result was a takedown rather than a relative...
Tue, May 1 8:16 PM The Big OT :: This album seems to be a violation of CC terms
Just realised Amazon took down the pages offering the music product. But no repl...
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