Help Us Re-Design ccMixter
![]() admin
Tue, Aug 7, 2018 @ 1:58 PM
Hey Mixters!
We’re excited to announce we’re starting upon a long overdue ccMixter site redesign — and we’d love your input. Because we’re an organization supported by generous donations, it is likely this will be more of a slow and organic process — but no less important. We’re starting with the homepage. It got a partial facelift in the initial beta redesign, but unfortunately was never finished. What do you think is important when new users first come to our site? What features do you think are important for our homepage? A special thanks to everyone for hanging in there while part of our site has been defaulting to the beta and the rest is still in legacy mode. It’s been challenging to navigate! We at ArtisTech Media and Mixter Admins will be seeking your input for each milestone and look forward to your feedback. We would greatly appreciate your support for the redesign! If you are already contributing to ccMixter on Patreon, please consider increasing your monthly donation a dollar or two. Perhaps you’d like to make a one time donation via PayPal to help our redesign efforts. Thank you to everyone here in our community for contributing your time, talent and value to ccMixter. We look forward to moving ccMixter forward with a new and improved look — together. Peace. |
Kara Square
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Wed, Aug 8, 2018 @ 2:03 PM
This is exciting!
One idea that might be useful… perhaps a link to our tutorials on YouTube would help new users? |
That would be fantasmagorical! :) There are lots of people (generally and specifically in the ccMixter community) who are looking to better their craft and this would be a great building block to do so. It would be great to ‘brand’ these as well - which is as easy as a set video intro/outro by ccMixter official to really make them shine :)
![]() admin
Fri, Aug 10, 2018 @ 12:58 AM
Something I’d like is a notice when there are new posts/replies in the forums, or that threads in the forums are marked different somehow when there is something new. I don’t mean just for my posts/replies, because I can see that in the beta notification, but the only the way I can tell now is to check all the dates when I remember to.
Also, a quick link from the regular profile of users to their beta profile and back. What I do now is go to their playlists, then click the link to their profile, but if I start in beta, I have to search their name to see it in regular. The beta is faster for searching uploads, because you can see 40 at once. If it’s cool, I’ll just add stuff I think of here as I go… |
Some things I think might help others:
When choosing the sources used in a remix, having the option to put in the upload number can prevent selecting the wrong version, and could help when the system can’t find what’s typed in. Sometimes even if I put in the exact name of an upload, it won’t find it and I have to search the artist’s uploads, which can be daunting when they number in the hundreds. In the beta version, if the time length of each upload is listed in the overview, it can help distinguish each one if the names aren’t listed or don’t display properly. Plus it can give us a sense of how much material is available to work with. |
Ivan Chew
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Tue, Aug 14, 2018 @ 1:30 AM
Seems to me Beta was designed for ‘consumers’ while pre-Beta was for ‘producers’. Maybe that’s what Beta was trying to address but I wonder if that inadvertantly ostracized remixers. The former wants it like a playlist; the latter wants quick access to user pages, more uploads from the user, stems etc. I find myself just switching to pre-Beta, but then I’m more of the latter.
Btw, if any User Acceptance Testing is needed, I’d be happy to help. I know everyone has their preferences and designs are often subjective, so I’m keeping mum on this one. Just to say I’m pretty happy with the legacy UI actually, esp after it’s Android-friendly. |
like pre-beta also.
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Thu, Oct 11, 2018 @ 4:31 PM
That is good news ! I would suggest
Log in next to Signup on the menu bar. Then there are 4 buttons marked “get started”, perhaps they can be labelled more descriptively like “start mixing here” “search for free music for your project here” “search for paid music for your project here” or shorter labels for the buttons and a sentence below explaining where the button will take you ( tool tip style, maybe). As to design, the “Music connects us” is great, as is “how it works” but maybe one can use php to keep a menu always visible and show the content without having to scroll. just ideas, and am very happy that the site and the mixter community exists !! Best Martin |
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Sun, Oct 21, 2018 @ 2:27 AM
Search by key ?
I know many mixters have the DAWS and the skills to repitch samples, but I would like to have the ability to search by key. No way is this essential, but if possible to incorporate in the redesign, I for one would welcome it. Best Martin |
I feel tempo and key should be mandatory. Just makes it easier.
Three sharps - f# minor or A? There’s almost no difference, you can’t always figure out the tonic. :)
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Fri, Dec 7, 2018 @ 6:19 AM
More requests for Santa !
One thing that would be very welcome would be to be able to play all the tracks one can see with just one click. Like an automatic stream. For example during secret mixers, I ‘d love to be able to go to the user page and stream all of the uploads without having to click separate tracks. I believe right now this is only possible with playlists and the listing list. Best, Martin |
Hi, Martin, this is a great idea. Especially given that playlisting and recommends are tracked, which undermines the “secret” aspect. I have also assembled (but not submitted) any number of feature requests, many of them having to do with private playlisting and streaming.
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Sat, Aug 31, 2019 @ 4:37 AM
Hi there,
is there any news on redesigning ccm? while the opening post seems more to look into design/features, i would like to ask about the backend. :-) there does not seem to happen anything with cchost, is it? is there some kind of technical docs about the actual technical design (lamp?, cloud hosted stuff? whats the storage backend… )? future plans? cheers tigabeatz |
we are actively in the middle of the redesign. because we are volunteers, we’ve already been working on it for over a year and are still a good bit away from sharing anything with ya’ll but as soon as we have something, we’ll let you know.
thanks for your patience! |
Joel Frijters
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Wed, Mar 25, 2020 @ 9:26 AM
An ongoing, front and centre, way for people to donate, give time, and/or support ccMixter in specific ways would be a great addition to a new site. I think that there are lots of people who would like to help, support and grow ccMixter but may not have clear ways to start or know what is most needed. I’m going to donate through Paypal now but there is a small, very loving army of creators wanting to help!
Thanks for all you do! :) |
Great idea!! Thank YOU, Joel. I hope you and your family are safe and well. 💗
DEAR M_Square
if this is still “ongoing” I would ask you to get in touch with me I have connections that are professional systems designers |
Hello Beatmachine! This is still ongoing, I’ll send you a message. Thank you!
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Fri, May 15, 2020 @ 4:02 AM
Quote: SnowflakeHey Mixters!
Peace. Dear ‘Fearless Leader” is there any specs_ doc_ page ect design needs to be ‘intigrated’ your code spans from 1996 - inovation it would be intresting to hear from your tech guy, hes done an amazing job over the years ty 4 yr attention |
reporting in,…
i went a.w.o.l and contacted the top web designer i know im sry i have “exceeded my authority” ill report back |