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Reviews for "Firefly"

by Snowflake
Recommends (42)
Sat, Sep 12, 2020 @ 10:15 PM
permalink   Sat, Sep 12, 2020 @ 10:32 PM
Very heroic and inspirational, I Love the image of riding on the back of a firefly, so cool :)

Your downtempo is so bangin, you’re a genius, Snowflake!
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:16 AM
Wow, thank you for your great kindness. Wouldn’t that be cool, to ride around on a big firefly? :)
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sat, Sep 12, 2020 @ 11:41 PM
I saw you record this on Insta. :) Couldn’t wait to hear it and, wow, did you ever knock it out of the park. You sure took the theme and ran with it, and the result sounds natural, like you and the band (bangcorrupt) just sat down and worked it out after the third set after a month on the road.

Here’s to riding out of the dark night.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:17 AM
i almost forgot i did my first ever live performance recording a vocal take on IG (i think i recorded it sidewise by mistake LOL).

Have been digging into St. John of the Cross and his writings on the Dark Night — a powerful, inspiring resource.

Thanks for always “getting it” Admiral — one day we will get to jam live together!!
permalink   Admiral Bob Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 12:26 PM
He wrote one of my favourite works: “Song of the soul and the bridegroom.”
permalink   Sat, Sep 12, 2020 @ 11:45 PM
I love the lyrical imagination Emily! What a video this would make. And the suspense you build musically is masterful> Thanks for the journey!
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:18 AM
Maybe I’ll make a video (thanks for the inspiration!). Your support always means so much. xx
permalink   spinningmerkaba Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 11:46 AM
permalink   soundtails Mon, Feb 15, 2021 @ 1:01 AM
WOW Nice work! Quote: spinningmerkaba
permalink   Admiral Bob Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 4:31 AM
Yes it would make a great video.
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 12:55 AM
The “baby” is just chilling to me for some reason. This is how a remix should be done. Powerful.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:19 AM
Thank you so much for saying this, as I was writing the “baby” just slipped in there, and at many points I thought I should take it out. Wasn’t sure it fit the meaning of the song, but it really wanted to stay (songwriting is like being possessed by a demon sometimes!).
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 1:16 AM
I am too big to ride a horse let alone a firefly so to be taken on your journey was a real treat
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:20 AM
Hilarious!! I imagine this firefly I’m riding around on is of unusual proportion :)
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 1:42 AM
Dark, clever and utterly captivating
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:20 AM
Thank you my friend!! xx
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 1:48 AM
Love that dark piano, reminded me of some Fiona Apple. Another amazing arrangement for this Secret Mixter!
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:21 AM
I have to admit, I felt a bit Fiona-ish while I was playing it. :) A tip of the hat to an amazing artist I’ve always admired musically. Thanks for listening!
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 2:08 AM
you brought the magic here. a lovely balm and a hopeful twinkle…
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:21 AM
ah, thank you my friend. together, we are twinkling lights in the dark!
Down With Ben
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 2:39 AM
This is impressive. Love the layered vocals towards the end.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:22 AM
thank you for feeling the emotion in that part! i was feeling so empowered in that moment, imagining a global unity.
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 4:09 AM
Very cool slinky bluesy feel to this mix. And a super tight arrangement.
It struck me (before the more specific final verse) that it would also make a great theme song for the short-lived sci-fi series Firefly.
permalink   Subliminal Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 10:11 AM
Quote: SpeckIt struck me (before the more specific final verse) that it would also make a great theme song for the short-lived sci-fi series Firefly.

You beat me to it. I wholeheartedly agree.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:24 AM
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:24 AM
man, i completely forgot about that show (and i really liked it!). maybe they can bring it back so i can get a paid gig (hopeful but not expectant). thanks for your uplifting encouragement — i’m always grateful.
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 4:52 AM
This could be the next theme for a new James Bond movie, so spy-ishly fantastic! Absolutely beautiful! You could be the next Bond Girl!
permalink   Subliminal Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 10:12 AM
I also got a bit of a James Bond vibe.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:27 AM
amazing! had no idea i was going there — i think i owe that to bangcorrupt’s really cool synth tone.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:26 AM
when i was first starting my music career (my how time flies) i had a secret desire of being a Bond Girl LOL. (embarrassing i know) with your comment, somehow a girlish fantasy has been given a strange feeling of fulfillment. :)
Siobhan Dakay
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 5:44 AM
I love how this track is set up.
The play with the frequencies.
And a bit of James Bond is in there as well.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:28 AM
thanks for noticing the frequency play — i’ve never done much of that before and really enjoyed pushing my boundary. and thanks for the Bond comparison - oh so utterly flattering! x blushing x
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 8:18 AM
Hot Like Fire.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:29 AM
you’re the coolest my friend. xx
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 9:08 AM
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:29 AM
why thank you my dear.
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 9:27 AM
I LOVE the lyrics and imagery of this song Emily. Gorgeous poetry bringing a glimmer of light during this dark night we find ourselves in. Fabulous arrangement and production too. Bravo!
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:33 AM
thank you Susan! obviously inspired by the work we’ve been doing with Andrew (what a gift). so grateful for your own artistry, and your open-heartedness to receive mine. xx
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 10:16 AM
This must be one of my favourite remixes of yours. It would deserve a plethora of ed picks. And as has already been said, it would make a perfect theme song for a movie (Bond or SciFi).
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:35 AM
wow, thank you so very much. the song was born immediately upon sitting at the piano, playing to with bangcorrupt’s drum track — no mental thought, only a journey into the timeless, mystical field of music.
Kara Square
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 3:09 PM
Ditto to all the above praise… just realized that I was quick to Ed Pick and forgot to leave a review. Thank you for this much needed dose of hope. Completely epic and inspiring.
permalink   Sun, Sep 13, 2020 @ 9:53 PM
oh how beautiful the whole is! What a beautiful composition, well done
permalink   Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 1:12 AM
Fabulous arrangement and great lyrics. Lovely open composition. Light and shade on gossamer wings.
permalink   Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 6:42 AM
What a great tune! Simply an awesome combination.

Pellas, please! ;-)
permalink   Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 1:31 PM
You could sing the phone book and it would sound great.

Hope your hair was ok during this mix 😏
permalink   Tue, Sep 15, 2020 @ 11:39 AM
Outstanding imagery. Stole my ears and took them on an amazing journey of wonder, sadness and hope … fused together with words of ethereal defiance.
permalink   Wed, Sep 16, 2020 @ 10:54 PM
OK, leaving a late review and…well, everything’s pretty much been said. Great mix, everything knit together so well, nice wide-ranging minor-key piano work.

Must admit this is the first mix-up I’ve actually been able to take the time to listen to every single track. It’s a *ton* of music…and I have new appreciation for editors. Went through the list mostly in top-down order this time, so the first shall be last…you and Apoxode here at the end. Good way to wrap the evening.
permalink   Sat, Sep 26, 2020 @ 1:42 AM
Nice , beautiful great!!!$£aff
good listen
permalink   Thu, Oct 15, 2020 @ 4:40 PM
Love this song :)

Credit to Martin Cee (softmartin) for the blues guitar.
permalink   Mon, Feb 15, 2021 @ 1:00 AM
Beautiful in my book should be on the Radio! back in Sept, I was out watching them hundreds lighting up, they came for a few days.