Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "It's Flowers In January"

It's Flowers In January
by Minus Kelvin
Recommends (17)
Sat, Jul 23, 2005 @ 3:03 PM

Uses samples from:

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Sat, Jul 23, 2005 @ 7:51 PM
You know how i luv lyric re-arrangement!!!!!! It feels awkard rating anything Minus does because I’m obviously biased, but when something is exceptional I have to put in my two cents. Damn dude, this stuff can only be described as "The carnival has left town, yet there are still some strange looking clowns hanging around the abandoned grounds" : )
permalink   Minus Kelvin Sun, Jul 24, 2005 @ 12:00 AM
Quote: "The carnival has left town, yet there are still some strange looking clowns hanging around the abandoned grounds" : )

—Ha ha… I’ll take that as a compliment. :)
permalink   Sun, Jul 24, 2005 @ 12:21 PM
this is crazy dope, but there are parts where the vocals could be editted a bit to flow more (even though they are chopped to high hell..) but the ‘unfloweth’ of the vocals is fairly rhythmic, so it works.. good job :)

why the abrubt ending?
permalink   Minus Kelvin Sun, Jul 24, 2005 @ 1:27 PM
Quote: this is crazy dope, but there are parts where the vocals could be editted a bit to flow more (even though they are chopped to high hell..) but the ‘unfloweth’ of the vocals is fairly rhythmic, so it works.. good job :)

why the abrubt ending?

Thanks for the compliments everybody… yeah, it’s choppy vocals… but I tried to make it work rhythmically and melodically. RE: Ending, I like abrupt endings. I think it works here… in my music mind’s eye, it got sucked up into nothing. Listen for the swirling FX that build up to the ending the few bars before. That swirl is what killed the song. :)
permalink   Minus Kelvin Sun, Jul 24, 2005 @ 1:34 PM
Quote: "get my floating high five"

omg, I cracked up hard with that one.

yes… the track is supposed to be kinda tongue-in-cheek. "This track, it’s funny. It’s flower’s in january."

Budapest BluesBoy
permalink   Tue, Jul 26, 2005 @ 1:34 PM
Great idea, good quality, but where is the stucture of your work? Optimalize it!
permalink   Minus Kelvin Tue, Jul 26, 2005 @ 1:57 PM
Quote: Great idea, good quality, but where is the stucture of your work? Optimalize it!

permalink   Wed, Jul 27, 2005 @ 1:40 PM
This is solid, inventive, and winning stuff. You’ve brought a lot of imagination to the table here. The beats are solid, although sometimes they threaten to crowd out the many other great things going on. The only things missing are a calliope and a Chapman Stick—or rather, to be less obscure, this song feels fully constructed and yet quite unique and offbeat. I enjoyed this a good bit.
permalink   Minus Kelvin Wed, Jul 27, 2005 @ 6:17 PM
Quote: The beats are solid, although sometimes they threaten to crowd out the many other great things going on.

Thanks for the great and insightful comment/compliment gurdonark.

yeah…. I often push the limits of my brain to comprehend everything going on. Sometimes I can get it to work right… sometimes. :)
permalink   Fri, Jul 29, 2005 @ 4:09 PM
I love the vocal re-cut. The emergent melody is actually really catchy!— I’ve been humming it all week.
permalink   Minus Kelvin Sat, Jul 30, 2005 @ 10:32 PM
Thanks everybody… (lisa, I was worried you’d hate it…)

Quote: I love the vocal re-cut. The emergent melody is actually really catchy!— I’ve been humming it all week.

Roslo, thanks! It took a lot of tweaking to create a singable melody. It was like trying to fit square pegs in round holes or like usings scissors to cut your fridge poetry to make it fit into words you didn’t originally have except with the added dimension of pitch and rhythm to make things difficult.
permalink   Sun, Jul 31, 2005 @ 2:50 PM
I totally didn’t get this on the first listen. Over my head. : )

Glad I listened again. It’s insanely good.
permalink   Sat, Jul 23, 2005 @ 10:39 AM
Nice … very creative transformation. A new song.
permalink   Sat, Jul 23, 2005 @ 1:42 PM
"get my floating high five"

omg, I cracked up hard with that one.
permalink   Sun, Jul 24, 2005 @ 12:11 AM
permalink   Mon, Jul 25, 2005 @ 1:53 PM
I think I like this one even more than your first entry. Bizarre in all the right ways! And nice production too.

permalink   Thu, Jul 28, 2005 @ 6:40 AM
permalink   Thu, Jul 28, 2005 @ 2:58 PM
totally off the beaten track, and awesome.

permalink   Mon, Jan 9, 2006 @ 3:02 PM
oh man… this is ponderous as hell!
permalink   Mon, Jan 9, 2006 @ 5:52 PM
beats remind me of some serious beat mashin squarepusher stuff. I know it was a contest entry but I’d like to hear it without the vocals…just to soak in those beats.
permalink   Sun, Sep 10, 2006 @ 7:35 PM
I absolutely love this song. I listen to it everyday approximately. I based some of my older stuff on the structure of this song. The drums, melody and lyrics all flow so well.