
Reviews for "Surveying Park Hill Prairie"

Surveying Park Hill Prairie
by gurdonark
Recommends (7)
Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 8:37 AM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 8:50 AM
little grim towards the end…i could almost see the indians getting shot as the geese blew past the waters and buffalo in the distance. (ps - meant to hit 5, not 4.)
permalink   gurdonark Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 9:01 AM
Quote: little grim towards the end…i could almost see the indians getting shot as the geese blew past the waters and buffalo in the distance. (ps - meant to hit 5, not 4.)

Thank you for commenting. I’ve had the stars thing go awry on me a time or so, too.

I had not thought of the images you express as to the ending, but I think your insight is a very good one—thanks!
permalink   Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 10:26 AM
I opened a fortune cookie while listening to this it said…

"From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentence"

- Another excellent zerobeat, instrumental track -
permalink   gurdonark Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Quote: I opened a fortune cookie while listening to this it said…

"From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentence"

- Another excellent zerobeat, instrumental track -

thanks shagrugge. Your comment reminds me a bit of the Taoist idea that if any one says to you "that is the way" then that is surely not the way. That fellow Krishnamurti said instead that truth is a pathless land, while that fellow Job got told that it’s darn hard to understand the whirlrwind.

But me, I just love to work with great samples like these.
permalink   Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 12:59 PM
absolutely genius man…this is my type of stuff.
: )))
permalink   gurdonark Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 1:01 PM
Quote: this is the best thing I’ve ever heard you do. this is a great addition to this site.

Thank you, Victor. For an ambient fan such as myself, the ability to have a site in which I can work with samples like the ones in this song is really a thrill.
permalink   gurdonark Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 1:07 PM
Quote: absolutely genius man…this is my type of stuff.
: )))

Many thanks! I so often work the dark side of ambient, but I love the light.
permalink   Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 6:34 PM
Best thing about Mixter radio is I get to hear things like this in a Playlist. Instead of trying to review it between hip hop and dance tracks. : )
permalink   gurdonark Mon, Jan 30, 2006 @ 6:47 AM
Quote: Best thing about Mixter radio is I get to hear things like this in a Playlist. Instead of trying to review it between hip hop and dance tracks. : )

Yes. Mixter radio will help!
Brilliant Orange Object
permalink   Sun, Feb 5, 2006 @ 9:28 PM
you are moving into a whole new deal. man i am so blown away with everything you have done so far! this has to be one of the best things you have done on CC so far! 5 stars!
permalink   gurdonark Thu, Feb 9, 2006 @ 1:13 PM
Quote: you are moving into a whole new deal. man i am so blown away with everything you have done so far! this has to be one of the best things you have done on CC so far! 5 stars!

Many thanks! I really enjoy working with your samples, which seem to me to "fit" in all sorts of places.
permalink   Sun, Jan 29, 2006 @ 12:59 PM
this is the best thing I’ve ever heard you do. this is a great addition to this site.