Imagination Rising Remix Event
Sat, May 18 7:20 AM Announcements :: Scheduled Downtime 2013/03/21 at 9PM EST
Hi--im posting here rather than in the bugs section as I know its been mentioned...
Tue, Jan 15 6:19 PM DIY :: License change? Now I delete
Hey you two, how are you both? I think Javo that the reason your past few upl...
Tue, Sep 25 4:48 PM Help :: Deleting yourself from ccMixter in one easy step?
Hi. Is there any way to delete all your uploads in one easy step or do you have ...
Fri, Jun 29 6:22 PM Bugs :: allen?
I was just going to ask as I noticed in the tag cloud allen has 4294967295 entri...
Tue, Jun 26 8:59 PM Announcements :: Mixing ,editing ,cutting,pasting.production
I have to say that I have never encountered nor even worried about people being ...
Thu, May 24 5:37 PM Announcements :: The Passing of Hepepe
Sad news. I know he was one of the early members of ccmixter, very creative, qu...
Mon, Feb 20 4:55 PM Parts Wanted :: Vocal snippets wanted
I was also going to suggest Freesound, great for all kind of sounds, grunts, gr...
Mon, Jan 16 4:30 PM Help :: "Rap" tag won't stay in
actually scratch the recent part---Nov of 2011 would be the most recent
Mon, Jan 16 4:29 PM Help :: "Rap" tag won't stay in
Its odd though because rap is still showing on the one time I did use it and whe...
Mon, Jan 16 4:14 PM Help :: "Rap" tag won't stay in
Hey Coruscate--I think you'll find the good Admiral is admin at ccM--- although...
Tue, Sep 13 6:19 AM The Big OT :: very sad news
so sorry to hear this, my heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
Tue, Nov 9 11:08 AM The Big OT :: So how do you pay the bills?
Ah nice! My wife and I were just in the Smithsonian about a week ago when we vis...
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