Imagination Rising Remix Event
Fri, Dec 4 1:00 PM Pluggy Plugs :: Hans Atom book (in german)
Wow, impressive. Wasn't aware you're a poet. It's a shame I don't understand Ger...
Wed, Sep 23 12:32 PM DIY :: Reverb!
The downside for vocalists is that many remixers tend to put a lot of effort int...
Sun, Oct 19 7:11 AM Announcements :: Share Your Favorite ccM Track, Earn $5 for our Fundraiser
My final third choice would be this track by Robert Warrington featuring SackJo2...
Sun, Oct 19 2:22 AM Announcements :: Share Your Favorite ccM Track, Earn $5 for our Fundraiser
Here's my number two. From a not very prolific producer, who flew in under radar...
Sat, Oct 18 10:56 PM Announcements :: Share Your Favorite ccM Track, Earn $5 for our Fundraiser
I think Speck is an artist with a unique and personal expression. It's hard to...
Sat, Oct 4 12:44 PM Announcements :: New ccMixter Videos Weekly!
Whatever it takes:)
Sat, Oct 4 1:22 AM Announcements :: New ccMixter Videos Weekly!
Hopeful after reading this:
Fri, May 24 7:51 AM Help :: How to "credit" this?
Use a smaller font, problem solved. Be thankful, you're getting music for free...
Mon, Mar 25 11:28 PM Announcements :: Scheduled Downtime 2013/03/21 at 9PM EST
As I understand, the recommends are gone forever so I just went back to the mixe...
Mon, Mar 25 10:31 AM Announcements :: Scheduled Downtime 2013/03/21 at 9PM EST
Yeah, I also noticed TRF's track was unaffected this morning my time, 9 hours ah...
Mon, Mar 25 4:37 AM Announcements :: Scheduled Downtime 2013/03/21 at 9PM EST
The only pattern I can find is that at least Saturday's activities (again, Europ...
Sun, Mar 24 11:26 PM Announcements :: Scheduled Downtime 2013/03/21 at 9PM EST
And I see Loveshadow's second latest, the ed-picked one, have lost all recommend...
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