Imagination Rising Remix Event
Fri, Oct 29 12:40 AM The Big OT :: What Does ccMixter Mean to You?
Some people here (Speck for instance) inspire me to try new approaches when maki...
Mon, Oct 25 1:55 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
That's another good question we could discuss, "what is a quality conversation?"
Mon, Oct 25 1:30 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
I don't know where this thread is going but how I wish we could have this discus...
Mon, Oct 25 12:58 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Emily, in my humble opinion that depends completely on what perspective the prod...
Mon, Oct 25 4:38 AM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
I guess I asked for it
Mon, Oct 25 2:16 AM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Start searching in Swedish:)
Mon, Oct 25 2:04 AM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
The parent company of mi7 went bankrupt back in april/may 2009. Their main busin...
Sat, Oct 23 3:03 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
....and here's the short version of the book: "What I like about your mix is.....
Sat, Oct 23 2:25 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Agree with MCJ, just adding, constructive criticism and being friendly is not li...
Sat, Oct 23 12:32 PM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Hey Victor, I'm a business executive type person who have the odd habit of tr...
Sat, Oct 23 11:07 AM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Hi, Bob, You are completely right about changes of sites risking to deflate a c...
Sat, Oct 23 9:32 AM The Big OT :: Why is the quality of music at CCMixter so high?
Hi and good morning, Emily. Agree "Mission statement" is a bit pin-striped. May...
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