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What Does ccMixter Mean to You?

permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 8:33 AM
Today is ccMixter’s sixth anniversary of operation, and ATM’s first anniversary stewarding the site. In honor of this occasion, MC Jack in the Box put together a special episode of the Cool Music Show.

Some of us recorded something about what ccMixter means to us. When I tried to express what this place means to me I found myself getting all verbose and sentimental. I felt myself nodding my head and whispering “yes” as I read and listened to what other mixters have said about ccM. This is indeed a unique place where creative and personal development is a natural occurrence as we support each other, conect with each other, through music. My life has been enhanced in so many ways from my ccM experience and I can’t wait to see how it continues to develop. If I haven’t made it clear by now, I love this place!!!

Happy anniversary ccMixter and congratulations to ATM for supporting the unique tenor and spirit of this site for the past year (and hopefully for many more years to come)!

I would love to hear what ccMixter means to you!
permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 9:30 AM
Happy 6th Birthday ccMixter. And Happy Anniversary, ccM & ATM. What an amazing year!

ccMixter has changed my life, undoubtedly, for the better. It has reinvigorated me musically, and inspires me to continually push and improve my art (our art).

I’m honored to be part of the community and collaboration here. We’re making history :)
Admiral Bob
permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 11:17 AM
Musically, I’ve always wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

I like being in bands. You bond in a way that people who don’t make music probably can’t understand. It is a form of brotherhood and sisterhood as strong as blood. When you hit the groove the right way, a kind of communication takes place that is on a higher level than words. It is a sort of sonic telepathy.

But bands are limiting in some ways too. They do what they do - a stax style R&B band just isn’t going to excel at Hip Hop or guitar rock.

Being at CCMixter is like being in a band that really is good at just about every genre it decides to dabble in. It is musically freeing in a way I just don’t have words for!
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Quote: Admiral BobMusically, I’ve always wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

I like being in bands. You bond in a way that people who don’t make music probably can’t understand. It is a form of brotherhood and sisterhood as strong as blood. When you hit the groove the right way, a kind of communication takes place that is on a higher level than words. It is a sort of sonic telepathy.

But bands are limiting in some ways too. They do what they do - a stax style R&B band just isn’t going to excel at Hip Hop or guitar rock.

Being at CCMixter is like being in a band that really is good at just about every genre it decides to dabble in. It is musically freeing in a way I just don’t have words for!

I too like being in bands, not only for the reasons you mention (all true) but the biggest reason is the feeling you get playing live together. Nothing like the feeling you get when everyone is “in the pocket”. :)

But it can also be a very limiting thing too, as AB mentions, when you’re stuck playing the same material (or type of material), either because that’s what the “band” wants to do, or that’s what buys you beer and gas.

I’ve embraced the idea that I can overcome the constraints (geographically and genre wise) of being in a band by being a band of 1 on ccmixter, and I don’t mean that selfishly. I mean I can decide my band anytime, with my mood at the moment, by selecting from the various source in the archive for my “band”.

they don’t argue, they don’t miss gigs and practices, and they come cheap, as in free. they are available whenever the mood strikes me, whenever I want to play.

do i miss the live aspect of the band? sure, but I don’t miss shlepping the gear in and out.
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 2:51 PM
Quote: MC Jack in the Box

do i miss the live aspect of the band? sure, but I don’t miss shlepping the gear in and out.

shlepping gear is the worst part of playing live gigs!

ccMixter is the band now :)
permalink   Admiral Bob Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 4:35 PM
I used to think shlepping gear was the worst part, as I had a Leslie cabinet to haul around.

But I think the very worst part is bar owners ripping you off and trying to change the deal on you, after the playing’s done. Telling the musicians’ union and other bands helped even the score, but not in an instant gratification kinda way. :(
permalink   Speck Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 5:40 PM
Quote: MC Jack in the Box…I can decide my band anytime, with my mood at the moment, by selecting from the various source in the archive for my “band”.

they don’t argue, they don’t miss gigs and practices, and they come cheap, as in free. they are available whenever the mood strikes me, whenever I want to play.
And it’s a seemingly endless pool of talent. I’ve done a mix a week for the past year and a half and still find it easy to be inspired by the many and diverse uploads offered up for non-regulated fun and artistic expression.
permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 9:29 PM
ccMixter has been great for me.
I’m excited because I think that the best is yet to come.
permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 9:33 PM
wow. I’m so loving everyone’s unique points of view. This is such an amazing community that I never cease to be honored to belong to. And this Cool Music Show rocks my socks.
Abstract Audio
permalink   Thu, Oct 28, 2010 @ 10:38 PM
- HQ Fresh music
- Secret Mixter
I really love this place and all the talented people that are around. It’s a unique place to develope my skills & interests, it’s inspiring.
permalink   Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Some people here (Speck for instance) inspire me to try new approaches when making music. To move outside my little comfort bubble. To be more brave. I’m very thankful for that.
Or as a non-fluent-in-English music friend of min said recently: Give your fears a slap on the nose, Per.
permalink   Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 7:19 AM
I would like being in a band - but I do not play any instrument good enough for playing live (except a little bit of percussion). But my head is full of music, ideas, concepts and possible fusion of all what I heared the last many years.

About a year ago I discovered ccMixter and - big bang - a whole new universe of creative possibilities opened up for me. I just did not know that first class singers and instrumentalists (some of them for sure professionals) upload their material for free to share it with amateurs like me. And ccMixter gives me an audience where sometimes somebody likes what I’m doing. I LOVE YOU ccMIXTER and all you people that are participating here!
permalink   Abstract Audio Sat, Oct 30, 2010 @ 5:07 PM
Quote: rocavacoAbout a year ago I discovered ccMixter and - big bang - a whole new universe of creative possibilities opened up for me.

Same story for me, I’ve discovered a complete new creative universe in me
Kara Square
permalink   Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 8:26 AM
ccMixter has opened my mind to the true meaning of the word collaboration. The ability to offer music to creative people around the world without knowing what might become of it… this is collaboration in its purest form. This form of collaboration replaces the critical control with excitement! It is a celebration of creativity.

I feel completely honored to create with this amazing community. You are inspiring. To me, ccMixter means endless inspiration and possibility. I only wish I would have discovered it sooner.
Ivan Chew
permalink   Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 9:36 AM
To me, ccMixter means:
* Serendipitous collaborations
* Learning from those who are way better
* Humbled by the talent and generosity here
* Saddened that I’m probably never going to meet some of the good folks here
* Catharsis
permalink   timberman Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Never say never.
Having a Singapore sling at Raffles is one of my life goals.
permalink   Ivan Chew Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 3:27 PM
Looking forward to that day :)
permalink   Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 1:19 PM
ccM has been the center of my musical universe for the last 3+ years. Over that time, I’ve participated not only musically, but also volunteered in a few other ways. It’s because I think ccM is one of the coolest and greatest musical concepts and communities ever.

I’ve made new musical friendships here, that have added to my life. And above all: I’ve learned lots and lots.

In addition to celebration, birthdays and anniversaries can also give rise to a bit of reflection not only about the past, but also about the future.

It’s in this context, that I sincerely hope that ccMixter will also thrive in the future. But I’m also aware that this probably won’t happen entirely by itself. And I’m aware, that reality has unfolded a bit differently than anticipated a year ago. Even a web based community that gives their content for free needs someone to pay for the web hosting and to monitor the technology and the community, fixing things where needed.

However, for continued flourishing, a community like ours will likely also need some underlying infrastructure work. From continued website vision and software development to awareness generation. So the site can maintain it’s competitive software edge and a continued vibrant inflow of quality pells, which are arguably the life-blood of ccM. I (subjectively?) perceive some of these latter items are under a bit of pressure over the last little while. It may just not be realistic to expect that ATM can sponsor ccM to the same extent that the CC organization did until a year ago? What does that mean for ccM and it’s future? Also keeping in mind, that there are tight non-commercial restrictions imposed by the CC, who continues to own the ccMixter name. Like for example, not being allowed to run ads on ccM to generate some cash for server operations and software improvements.

So I raise my virtual glass of champagne to celebrate a great first 6 years and to express my hope that the future can be figured out, so we can have many more years of musical prosperity!
permalink   timberman Fri, Oct 29, 2010 @ 5:29 PM
A very wise, sober and relevant posting, I think.
I’m an optimist.
I believe ccm has a bright future and that there are ways to defeat the challenges ahead.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, Oct 31, 2010 @ 9:38 AM
dear niels,

thanks for noticing the parts of the glass that are full, as well as those that are empty. the champagne in our glass is so tasty, for me, it overshadows any lack. :)

as we’ve previously discussed, the CC organization had been looking to spinoff ccMixter for a couple of years, because they didn’t feel they could give it the support it truly needed (musically, financially and otherwise). i truly believe ATM has supported ccMixter, much more than the CC would have been able, in the past year (and I believe they would agree). ccM’s uploads and traffic remain healthy and strong. the projects over the past year have had some of the highest participation seen here at ccM.

our community is the lifeblood of ccM, and that value is immeasurable.

the cold reality is both the CC, ccM, nonprofits, start-ups, and mature businesses are facing fund-raising challenges in this economic recession. however, ATM has made adjustments necessary to make certain the operation of ccM is top priority. ccM’s operation, in its current form, is not in jeopardy.

that being said, i know we all have many ideas we’d love to explore and implement as we build our future. please keep in mind - ads on ccM are not an option. charging artists is not an option. charging vistors/listeners that visit is not an option. ATM made these commitments to both the CC and ccM, and we stand by them, despite pressure to find ways around these restrictions.

what would each of you like to see in the next year at ccM? and if your vision requires significant infrastructure and/or financial outlay and investment, how would you propose to fund that (must comply with our commitments)?

personally, i believe ccM is an example of a ‘ gift ecomony’ (made popular by Burning Man), wherein focus is on what is given, not what is received. i believe we are on the cutting edge of this trend, and as paper currency continues to devalue, we’ll see even more value given to places like ccMixter.

what is our future? we decide, and build it, together.

i look forward to everyone’s thoughts.
permalink   go1dfish Mon, Nov 1, 2010 @ 11:05 AM
From the hosting perspective, I’d like to point out that the first thing we did upon taking over operations of ccMixter was to move the site to a significantly more powerful server with increased storage capacity on a faster connection.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Nov 1, 2010 @ 2:10 PM
oh, and that enabled us to offer larger file size uploads (from 10MB to 50MB) and encouraged flac, thereby higher quality uploads :)
permalink   victor Mon, Nov 1, 2010 @ 5:49 PM
just wanted to pop by to ask whether perhaps your perspective is skewed a little by trees vs. forest.

iow before ATM took over a year ago the actual back-room activity behind ccM was not much different than making sausage. after ATM took over you, personally, got a closer look at the back-room and discovered that lo and behold, it looks like they are making sausage.


Quote: reality has unfolded a bit differently than anticipated a year ago.

I honestly have no idea what “reality” you’re talking about here. The brilliance of the 6th Anniversary Cool Music show makes my case better than anything else but let me just say: ATM promised not to change the experience of being part of the ccM community and (with much greater personal sacrifice than I ever put into it) they have kept their word 100%. In and of itself it may seem weird to praise someone for simply doing what they said they would, but compared to the rest of the world of websites and online businesses this is a somewhat remarkable achievement and proves their dedication to everything ccM.

If no one else is going to say it then allow me: THANK YOU Emily, Jason, Alex and all the non-visible people of ATM for the last year of keeping your promise and keeping the ccM flame burning so brightly.

permalink   Sat, Oct 30, 2010 @ 4:43 PM
There are the moments when time seems to slow down, and it feels like stepping through an invisible doorway to a new level of understanding. The past and the future meet up and the connections are tangible, and it all ‘makes sense.’ This is what ccMixter is like for me. It is constantly unfolding in depth of soul and character. I’ve been downloading mixes since I joined in 2005 and ccMixter never fails to surprise me with a new and brilliant discovery. And that I get to add in a few of my own here and there well, I am grateful for the opportunity.

Thanks to all you mixters out there who make it all possible! Thanks Victor, CC, the admin team, and the podcasters! ccMixter rocks!

Download the Cool Music Show and listen to the podcast!
permalink   Mon, Nov 1, 2010 @ 7:55 AM
My first remix was uploaded on February 7, 2008. Since then I have uploaded regularly remixes, and also samples and stems.
The experience of sharing music with the ccMixter community has been enriching and rewarding.
ccMixter has helped me in the process of creation.
I like that I too have helped someone equally.
Find (discover) ccMixter, was a real revolution in the way I enjoy making music.
Thanks for that.
If I had to mention something in ccMixter, would be the proximity to breathe continuously in all actions and events.
I would like to continue building the future with all the ccMixter community.
permalink   Mon, Nov 1, 2010 @ 3:01 PM
I joined ccMixter as a remixer and while here have become a composer, performance poet and a person that I could recognize as an artist. The transformative power of that realization is unmeasurable, and the generosity of this community in welcoming me is something I can never express enough thanks for.

I have been channeling my creative energies and time chasing my legal dreams (and those for my bank account) but this place and the people and spirit that infuse it are never far from my heart. I owe a whole lot of you some listening and reviewing time :-).

I’ll be around more soon :-).
Down With Ben
permalink   Tue, Nov 2, 2010 @ 8:25 AM
Thank you Victor for creating ccMixter, thank you ATM for keeping this place going, and thank you everybody on here for making this place so special. Before finding ccM, it never would have occurred to me that I would have the opportunity to create musical collaborations with people from all around the world such as Sweden, Hungary, Japan, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, Dominican Republic…

This place inspires global unity. I think our world leaders should all create accounts and participate in this community and see how much longer our wars last… :)

Before, I was just a regular husband and dad with a regular job. But ccMixter has brought to life my inner bedroom musician and makes me feel like a bedroom rock star!
permalink   Tue, Nov 2, 2010 @ 3:21 PM
To Me, CC Mixter is like a symbol of the future.

There is this weird battle right now between abstract man made law and common sense.

I think it is because the concepts of the CCM community are more advanced than the current group minds idea of what should be. But its that massive uneducated group mind that holds us back. so…

CCMIxter to me Is Progress.
permalink   Sun, Nov 14, 2010 @ 8:26 AM
A chaotic, free wheeling, liberal sonic dinner party. A site that is centered, and pivots, on musicians/producers’ ideas, content, and sharing of (vs. band or celeb silos, or highly structured and scheduled interaction). However, having said that, the dig portal is a great and important idea (maybe worth throwing PR or Bizdev at?). Also, a pretty liberal, experimental, accepting, and positive attitude towards both those developing, or those polishing niche skill/esthetic, or those experimenting, and most everything in between. Personally, I love the opportunity to use (and sometimes pushed to use via mixters) material that I would not ordinarily consider, and to experiment/try ideas/genres/styles and share the outcome in this environment. Artistically, I’m in a place right now where I’d like to explore and spend as much, or little, time on blind alleys and potential dead ends as I want, with no demand for the outcome being appropriate or suited for anything other than being fun getting there. For me, ccmixter has been a factor in enjoying music *making*.