Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » jacindae » "Uh-oh..."


uploaded: Sat, Feb 28, 2009 @ 12:07 AM last modified: Sat, Feb 28, 2009 @ 12:08 AM  (add)
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So here is a straight up unabashed pop song. There are naughty words in it!!!

It’s kinda like chocolate. Sweet, dark, and probably bad for you. Or so I like to think. :)


I could just take it all back
I kinda want to anyway
But I don’t want to lead you on
Or change my mind that way.
Why should I be on my knees,
begging you to please come home?
Well, you know that’s not the way I operate
and you’d probably be happier alone.
I know that you’re playing with me
but I know it’s not your fault…
but why you wanna go and do me like that?

Oh-oh, uh-oh.

You’ve got one chance at happiness.
That hardly seems fair.
Why should I be that one chance?
Something like that’s gotta warrant
some kind of cosmic do-over, and
I know that I don’t have to go
but things just won’t be the same.
And I don’t really have a whole lot to go on, but

Oh-oh, uh-oh.

Seems like you’re turning around when there’s no place left to turn.
Seems like you’re fucking around when I really hoped you’d learned.
I’m sure you’ve plenty of reasons,
I’m sure you’ve plenty of plans.
But you’re running out of time, and it’s not my job
to understand…

So, so much for all the sonnets that you wrote.
I never was the poetry type, anyway.
I know you always just get sentimental when you run out of other shit to say.
I know that you want me to stay,
but I just can’t make myself care.
I know you see me walking away, and

Oh-oh, uh-oh.

by jacindae

2009 - Licensed under
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Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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