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Come Home for Christmas

uploaded: Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 6:56 PM last modified: Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 7:53 PM  (replace)
FeaturingErnesto De Curtis, SackJo22, jacindae, MiElle, Snowflake, tigabeatz, MC Walker, robwalkerpoet, Ozzz, hamood
Recommends (7)
Come Back to Sorrento for Christmas
in two minutes

Italian composer Ernesto De Curtis reportedly copyrighted Come Back To Sorrento in 1905. He died in 1937. Italian copyright expired 70 years after his death.

De Curtis melody is in 3/4 time, coral bell/accordion outro is in 4/4 with a 3/4 ending

da Band

1. “For Christmas” by Sackjo22
2. ReCommencer vocal (in French) by MiElle
3. “Come home” by jacinde
4. “I want you beneath my tree” (bridge) by Snowflake
5. Vocal coral bells (outro) by jacinde
6. Udu (back beat) by tigabeatz
7. Middle Eastern Percussion by Ozzz courtesy of
8. Arabic Percussion by hamood courtesy of
9. Accordion (outro) by MC Walker
10. Finger cymbal (outro) by Rob Walker
11. MODO 2 MIDI Bass by TRF
12. MIDI driven Ernesto De Curtis melody uses a mix of two guitar soundfonts and two Sakura plugin guitar presets; Sytrus plugin epiano also used in places.


Come home
for Christmas
Come home
for Christmas
j’ai envie de retourner en arrière
Rembobiner le film de notre amour,
La bande-son:
De mes non-dits d’amour,
De tes appels sur mon portable,
Mon coeur est transportable…
Garde-le, emporte-le avec le tien.
Tu es mon mien, Oh !, reviens.
Come home
for Christmas
I want you beneath my tree
Come home
for Christmas

Lyrics in Google English

Come home
for Christmas
Come home
for Christmas
Rewind the film of our love,
The soundtrack:
Of my unspoken love,
From your calls on my cell phone,
My heart is transportable…
Keep it, take it with yours.
You are my mine, Oh!, come back.
Come Home
for Christmas
I want you beneath my tree
Come back
Come home
for Christmas

"Come Home for Christmas"
by texasradiofish

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (4.0)

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