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Home » People » gurdonark » "Lake of Stumps and Staubs"

Lake of Stumps and Staubs

uploaded: Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 12:13 AM
Recommends (8)
If you’d like to see a picture of the Lake of Stumps and Staubs, go to:

"Lake of Stumps and Staubs"
by gurdonark

2005 - Licensed under
Creative Commons

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Chilling, eery pictoral creep through the mindscape of one of the more interesting of ccMixter’s active members. Digging through the crates of the samples here, you can count on Gurdonark to twist and mangle things inside out and when it works, as here, it’s bone chilling.

If I were making films (especially ones that take place at night, when it’s raining, during a power out, and the phones are cut off) I would start with Gurdonark.
