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Words of Gratitude Vocals

uploaded: Sat, Nov 17, 2012 @ 4:41 PM last modified: Sat, Nov 17, 2012 @ 5:25 PM  (add)
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I love Thanksgiving. Last year I recorded Jingle Bells, which was actually penned as a Thanksgiving song. This piece emerged as I was contemplating the fullness in my heart that comes with conscious gratitude. I may get grumpy tomorrow, but today… today, I am feeling full of thanks.

Interestingly enough, as I was sourcing an instrumental track for the purpose of recording the pell, I came upon Timberman’s “Give me Some Words.” How fitting for a piece called “Words of Gratitude.” Thank you Per!

words of gratitude

I will give you delicacies
and a loving embrace
as candlelights flickr
warmth permeates
doors will be open
and laughter ensues
on the day we
fill up on our gratitude

it’s the first light on a rainy day
right after sleep
still warm
your breath soothing next to me
pull apart the curtains
the illumination’s gentle
a quiet awakening
to a new day

it’s feeling safe
despite turmoil and changes
and rockets and threats
and anger
and dismay
and fear
it’s the trust that
together we will stay
to make our way
layers of experience
a patina of pleasure and shame
mellow with age
there is grace
in surrender
and grace in faith
a giving of thanks

Contents of ZIP Archive: Dry Vocal Stems mp3

  • /Gratitude Vox Lead.mp3 (2.03MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony1a.mp3 (2.03MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony2a.mp3 (2.03MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony2b.mp3 (2.03MB)
  • /Gratitude Vox Harmony1b.mp3 (2.03MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: Dry Vocal Stems flac

  • /Gratitude Vox Lead.flac (5.56MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony1a.flac (6.36MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony2a.flac (4.91MB)
  • /Gratitude Harmony2b.flac (5.27MB)
  • /Gratitude Vox Harmony1b.flac (7.35MB)

"Words of Gratitude Vocals"
by SackJo22

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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