RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Starman, Send Me A God"

Starman, Send Me A God
by Speck
Recommends (20)
Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 3:03 AM
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 3:33 AM
That mix is really spirited, and really good. You made great use of the samples.
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 3:37 AM
Scomber’s got a ton of great samples, I agree. And you make really good use of them here. The slightly eastern feel dovetails with his own remix of tonight, a synergy that could sound planned if I didn’t know better.
But in this case, it is east meets jazz! Sort of a Zawinul on a frenzied creative streak piece.
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 5:43 AM
Nice ambiant with jungle beat good themes .. i like it !! 😎
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 10:09 AM
Speck, you know how to keep it interesting. Such a great piece.
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 11:18 AM
what a powerful opening. compelling motion, that carries through each diverse song section — that is beautifully coherent throughout.

though I hadn’t thought directly of it, you’re quite right, making music is all about the balance of Yin and Yang — which you’ve crafted perfectly in this amazing track!
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 2:28 PM
Thanks Speck, love how you used the chant to open and continued the esstern theme throughout. The piano minor 7ths and bass works well weaving the songs together 😀
permalink   Sun, Apr 18, 2021 @ 2:30 PM
Wonderful artful jazzilicious arrangement. Much enjoyed — listened a couple of times already today. Bravo!
permalink   Mon, Apr 19, 2021 @ 10:23 AM
Controlled creativity that looks over the ledge but always manages to stay on its feet
Kara Square
permalink   Thu, Apr 22, 2021 @ 7:37 AM
So true about Scomber… and so true about the musical correlation of Yin and Yang… when writing music, I often think about call and response as one of the foundations… and I always hear that in your mixes.

As for this mix… captivating intro… I dig how the jazzy piano interacts with the sitar(?). I felt very IN the song while listening and was surprised when it ended. That means I liked it a lot.