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Reviews for "Unify"

by Snowflake
Recommends (30)
Sat, May 11, 2019 @ 10:28 PM
Play Unify
permalink   Sat, May 11, 2019 @ 11:07 PM
Powerful lyrics with a very important message — how many more hearts
need to break before people get the help they need?

Thank you so much for including my samples in this incredible anthem.
Your production and performance are both spot on!


permalink   Snowflake Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 9:09 AM
thank you for listening and for appreciating the message. your drum tracks and samples were my inspiration!!!
permalink   Sat, May 11, 2019 @ 11:26 PM
Powerful package ment for listening enjoyment and to think about! Chapeau.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 11:56 AM
Thank you for listening, enjoying and thinking :D You guys are the best!
Siobhan Dakay
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 4:00 AM
Indeed a powerful message.

Great combination of samples and what a cool track this has become overall.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 11:57 AM
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I struggled with the treatment of sounds and my playing is a little loose, but I really enjoyed the way this track pushed me.
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 4:24 AM
My honest reaction to this is ‘yeah that’ll come in handy when the destructive phase is over’. And I appreciate your hopefulness that it ever will be. I truly wish I could share it. Meanwhile… thanks for your voice of positivity. (And nice mix.)
permalink   Snowflake Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 11:58 AM
Music is my way of trying to overcome my depression about it all — believe me I feel it all of the time! But I have to keep trying or I’ll go nuts! Thanks for sharing your honest perspective while still helping me keep hope alive. Namaste.
Mr. Pepino
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 4:59 AM
Well done! I love your hopefulness! Especially in these times we need this spirit.
A unified group will always be stronger than the conflicting opposing forces. The “evil” eats itself and does never build up something new - thats its main weakness and the root cause that it will never win for long times. Evil is not sustainable.
permalink   Snowflake Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 11:59 AM
Evil does eventually implode on itself. I’m holding my faith until that day. I believe folks unifying everywhere will help hasten the arrival of harmony! Thank you for “getting it” and for your amazing contributions to our community. I appreciate it!!
Kara Square
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 6:04 AM
YES! All the yes… I’ve been thinking about this a lot… how can the disenfranchised become inspired by love and hope instead of hate? I suppose blaming others is somehow more appealing than taking ownership of one’s own fate… but what if unifying could be seen as the more beneficial option? Anyway… your song is a beautiful and powerful anthem highlighting this concept. Your use of Apoxode’s samples is inspiring. Thank you for sharing your love with us.💗
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 6:06 AM
lovely… .+
Mana Junkie
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 11:04 AM
Very cool, sounds something from a Jim Steinman production. Great stuff in my books.
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 1:35 PM
Connections and transitions and vibrations pulling us and bringing us together in a symphony of life. Unify!
permalink   Sun, May 12, 2019 @ 4:05 PM
You have outdone yourself! Brilliant song with a powerful well crafted message!
Admiral Bob
permalink   Tue, May 14, 2019 @ 7:44 PM
I always look forward to your entries, for a simple reason: we don’t get a new track. We get a new song.

And this one I love, using the drama and dynamics of the track behind it to build the whole piano and vocal soundscape sound that is your unique thing - the Apoxode source is fully there, and it stands out - but it is also fully you.

And the lyric is spot on - gotta keep stickin’ it to hate!
permalink   Tue, May 14, 2019 @ 8:22 PM
Great construction on this mix, as well as a great new ‘pella.
permalink   Sat, May 18, 2019 @ 3:21 AM
As usual you always raise yourself a step above, in the good sense, you are really a good artist and you have an extraordinary artistic sensibility. Thanks for this beautiful SONG
permalink   Mon, Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Lovely sentiments beautifully expressed