Imagination Rising Remix Event
John Pazdan:
Fri, May 25 7:00 AM Announcements :: The Passing of Hepepe
RIP Budapest Bluesboy, gypsy karma hacker.
Thu, Jun 2 6:56 AM RFP Discussions :: My Music on LastFM WHY!?
My music, starting with LP's I did in the late 70's for major and indie labels,...
Thu, May 12 5:38 AM Help :: Solo drum tracks
Billy Ray is the only one here..great grooves from a generous person who actuall...
Tue, Dec 21 3:55 PM The Big OT :: EFF Announces IP Legal Team
I love the EFF I really do. but they have Z big fisk to fry. I have had some thi...
Tue, Dec 21 3:47 PM The Big OT :: So how do you pay the bills?
I am a musician and composer. Lately that sounded like "I am a blacksmith" but.....
Sat, May 29 4:56 AM The Big OT :: How do you get focused?
and always remember.."branding is important" your case I would recommend som...
Sat, May 29 4:50 AM The Big OT :: How do you get focused?
Your question is: "How do you convince yourself to give six months to a specific...
Sat, Nov 14 8:00 AM The Big OT :: food for thought..
meet the new boss...same as the ol' boss.
Sat, Nov 14 7:58 AM The Big OT :: Going into the studio soon. Requests for drum parts now being taken!
more hot! house!! beatzz!!! "seriously" though..A way large fatback Bernard P...
Thu, Nov 12 8:43 AM The Big OT :: food for thought..
"there's a lot of $$ to be made from music, just as long as you are not a musici...
Tue, Sep 1 7:17 AM Pluggy Plugs :: ccM associated artist featured in new magazine
here I used sounds from Prent Rogers in this (along with other things..) that...
Sun, Aug 23 8:41 AM Pluggy Plugs :: Go hear/see my band Skirt^Alert
hey wait a minute! 1) where are the skirts? I don't see no skirts? I was all al...
Viewing 1 through 12 of 143 More >>>