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EFF Announces IP Legal Team

permalink   Tue, Dec 21, 2010 @ 11:13 AM
Quote: Loveshadow…i have growing concerns that more people are using CC material commercially because they can simply get away it.

Stumbled across this announcement and thought it might be somewhat connected to concerns involving cc licenses and protecting abuse?
John Pazdan
permalink   Tue, Dec 21, 2010 @ 3:55 PM
I love the EFF I really do. but they have Z big fisk to fry. I have had some things lifted from here and used for what I consider Immoral Porpoises ..but wha? I am going to “go after ” them? baa..I ‘ve also had a lot of music ripped off from records I was on..somebody in Latvia pumpin out the hits of 1979 for $.50. I’ll be going after them too, yep, real soon.

Small potatoes. move along.

In 2002 I was at a Future of Music coalition meeting in DC , where I sat next next to a lawyer from the EFF..brilliant guy, he had just roasted a panel of music execs about the biz..almost made me want to get a law degree just so i could work with those people.
permalink   Fri, Dec 24, 2010 @ 12:35 PM
Quote: spinningmerkaba…i have growing concerns that more people are using CC material commercially because they can simply get away it.

Stumbled across this announcement and thought it might be somewhat connected to concerns involving cc licenses and protecting abuse?

Well, there have been already a few court trial proving the liability of creative commons. The last one I remember has been in belgium:

So if you find somebody abusing your work, there are pretty good chances that you might win your case to - even without explicit help of the EFF. :)