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Moors In The City of Light (Drunken Housewife Mix)

uploaded: Fri, Jul 18, 2008 @ 8:39 AM
byKaer Trouz
Recommends (21)
I have long been a secret fan of Pitx, and his world of jazz, flamenco and now raunchy bar rock. This is just pure silliness, sung poorly (enough so the acapella is not worth posting, believe me, it’s ugly!) And why not imagine a world where carousels, cloth medical tape and Paris all co-exist in a rough little song?

“I flew over the sea for you
you tied me up and then you were through
I’m sorry Place Villiers the blood on the sheets
is there to stay

The carousel is alight
but you are not my valentine
I have a paper heart pinned to my coat
and your thumb prints pushing your love down my throat

If you bite me I’ll bite you back
it’s kinda violent but I like it like that
I’m glad I met you I’m hungry you know
so get us a room c’mon baby let’s go

The carousel is alight
we are moors in the city of light
I’ve got you safety pinned to my coat and
your little blue thumb prints adorn my throat

The carousel is alight
we are moors in the city of light
I’ve got your thumb prints on my coat
and a paper heart that’s bruising my throat”

"Moors In The City of Light (Drunken Housewife Mix)"
by Kaer Trouz

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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