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The Fish In The Deep Sea Water Probably Gives Out A Deep Sigh

uploaded: Mon, Oct 9, 2006 @ 4:21 PM
FeaturingRiyu Konaka
Recommends (24)
The Fish In The Deep Sea Water Probably Gives Out A Deep Sigh
Words by Bun Onoe

I turn my body over once again,
to the howling of a dog,
then close my eyes

My body lying in the night
is silently receiving electrical waves,
“This is the center of the Earth�
The farmer whose back was in the shape of an “a�,
I wonder if he has already gone to sleep
The farmers who were moving around like the characters in a TV game

On the roof made of bamboo woven together, a night bird cries,
The trees in the village cry, “Aca Pacalle (How are you?), Aca Pacalle
(How are you?)�

The motorcycle boys who I just left, are probably still playing
Hanging aroud outside a disco that plays Michael Jackson
Skirt-chasing Japanese girls

You are sleeping
With laundry still hanging out on the verranda
A magazine is opened up beside your pillow

Even if you swim up to the middle of your dream,
Nights in Tokyo are shallow

I tried writing a letter to you many times, but I couldn’t find the
right Japanese words to describe the atmosphere of this island. And so
instead of writing a letter, I’m sending out words like notes, that are
neither Japanese nor Indonesian.Wishing that my emotions that make the
air vibrate very faintly, will reach you in Tokyo.

The people of this island believe that there is a demon living in the
Ocean, In the Sea of Sigarasha, other than children, there are
foreigners only. As I walk the dark streets with not even one street
lamp, I begin to feel more and more, that there could be even several
types of demons in the darkness.

A dog walks unsteadily down the street like a ragged cloth
A duck glows white in the darkness
The fish in the deep sea water probably gives out a deep sigh

PS. new spoken word by “Riyu Konaka”
A Republic (reading)

recently, Riyu Konaka joins
please support her if you like. ARIGATO.

"The Fish In The Deep Sea Water Probably Gives Out A Deep Sigh"
by yamamiya

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