Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

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Viewing 0 - 12 of 166 matches total
... one to the other depending on the day - my hope is to have compassion for myself wherever i may land that moment :p [b] interesti
...s been said in this situation involving him. or something like that... shout out to queeniemusic and real_dm also, for their respect
...resist getting into situations that impose deadlines on me, so for years i have quietly declined the invitations to participate in t
... consuming chores, spending spoons on empty floors severity, lost identity, rumi's doors is it true, necessary and is it kind you
...of emin (or cmaj) depending on various factors. (sung over the chords gmaj and fmaj, with a emin, c, g, f, emin, c, d turnaround.)
...extra challenge of spending a lot of time into the mastering. which was not that easy due to the use of the quite complex beats by b
... "mega mix" but the situation with the acapellas and how many samples i'd be stuffing here would be a bit hard for some to navigate.
...interfered and made situations worse. now i watch as world leaders fall over themselves to get to israel to offer their support as
...worst decision by spending all my money to study something i was only 'interested' in - that it wasn't this burgeoning, deep passio
the elephants angst most producers are happy to have the bass player spending his time around the root note of the tune. any attempt by ...
...h of something or a situation. this song has been picked to be played on the real housewives: ultimategirlstrip (and i don't wat
...r bake your buns depending on where you are you might praise the glow or find your son depending on your star oh winter is th
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