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The Standing Ground

uploaded: Sun, Oct 29, 2023 @ 11:10 AM
FeaturingOfflinebouncer & The Lovely Ladies
Recommends (8)
In my lifetime I have seen many conflicts around the world. From my comfortable armchair I have watched the images unfold before my eyes. I have seen governments around the world ignore events and at other times I have watched as they interfered and made situations worse. Now I watch as world leaders fall over themselves to get to Israel to offer their support as a few miles away the bombs rain down on the innocents and two million people are forced onto the battlefield.

The cowardly attacks by Hamas that led to this response can never be forgiven but for governments to openly offer unconditional support to actions that will result in so many more people dying on both sides is a shameful act.

Offline Bouncers great words and delivery carry a timely reminder of mans failure when these events fall upon us

"The Standing Ground"
by Radioontheshelf

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