Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 336 - 348 of 546 matches total
final wave target heart weapon the mind ammo type love ... afloat are thoughts often as imagination will lay the mapping for travel of in...
...or a non-dark humor type song if you prefer... here are the words: cold and crisp air (x3) it’s a new year contemplate cha
... (played on my midi controller) and i threw some strings in just for fun towards the end. after all is said and done, i don't t
ascorbic acid - control you inspired by all the familiar rave songs like new order - confusion i think i was a bit drunk when i put th...
...op midi in track 1 control midi in track 2, sends midi to track 1 (to automate the effects keys) the numbering is only a suggestio it is from a spy type video game such as splinter cell. (i listen to this while playing sc: conviction). media,remix,trackback,in
the mechanik(prototype) around 98 to 90bpm ,sample,media,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,electro,electronic,experimental,hard_bon...
... perfume commercial type-music [i know - ambitious lol] so! i actually produced a whole photo shoot of like images involving this tr
...t don't let it have control of the core of your sole and that's the deal with that peace ,acappella,media,ccplus,bpm_090_095,al
...ught to ruin by the controlling forces of family for the exposure to the brambled path that bled me with its thorns for the masks
...e weather is out of control, your barometer will let you know if rain is on the horizon, but cannot predict the nimbostratus blues
...ion clever and take control in bed he’ll be solvent yet artistic (i need to work on how that can be true) and talking of my miss
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