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Lessons of History

uploaded: Fri, Mar 25, 2011 @ 7:22 AM
FeaturingStephen Wilson
Recommends (3)
This poem is about the use of fear to control people through the ages. For those who are interested here are the words:

Lessons of History by Stephen Wilson

I stand here atop a Munro wind howling, rain pouring and yet proud to know.
That the pain it took to reach this summit was worth every drop of sweat and effort.

Driech weather obscures the lochs and glens, much like our history through foggy lens.
Which goes back for hundreds of years filling me with pride , pain, and sadness I fear.

Clan chiefs called their people to arms, to defend, attack or deter invaders of foreign lands.
But so to did they massacre their own for jealously, love, hatred or power .

Fear was evident to all around assisting leaders to retain their control unbound.
Learning not from years gone before that life requires defending to the absolute core.

The wind and rain has now faded away, the sun’s rays appears creating the perfect day.
And with that comes a clearer vision, showing a future filled with optimism.

Be proud I would say to the people of this land, be proud of inventions and discoveries we’ve given to man.
The achievements are too many to name them all but suffice to say none are too small.

We look to the Middle East where instability reigns, people want freedom but endure only pain.
Their leaders like the clan chiefs want total control, but uses fear and religion like a loaded pistol.

Love comes from respect and so to the other, education advances knowledge, reducing oppressors .
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité the French called angrily, after beheading their own nobility.

People want freedom and to live in peace, without the fear of a knock from secret police.
Learning from history is the definite answer but what must be remembered is oppression is a cancer.


Meaning of some words for those not in the know:

Munro = mountains over 3000 ft (914.4 m)
Driech = A wet, dismal day
Loch = Lake
Glen = Valley

"Lessons of History"
by Togora

2011 - Licensed under
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