Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

Reviews for "Reacting Cuckoo"

Reacting Cuckoo
by splattergnome
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Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 7:00 PM
permalink   Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 1:40 PM
wow, this is a hard one to review — the vocal treatments are really excellent, some of the best I’ve heard. And the concept can’t be beat and the goal is as high as I can imagine.

I’m just not convinced that it totally works. In the end the dissanance between the two vocals just sound, well, dissident as opposed to emotionally effective. In other words this appeals to my head but not much beyond that.

I’m really curious to hear more for you, really, really curious.
permalink   Mon, Jan 2, 2006 @ 3:07 AM
It’s always interesting to juxtapose different things, including especially things which feature vocal tracks as in this one. It’s also a challenge to make the “fit” work—a perpetual challenge I find
quite beyond me.

Here I like the sense of disparate things happening all at once—and the way that the light beats add a kind of logic to it all. I like that the various incongruent lyrics somehow work together.

This one held my interest throughout, and falls in the category of “fun experiment” rather than “just too unconnected”. I’m glad to hear the “harmonic drone sample” pressed into such a novel service.