Reacting Cuckoo
uploaded: Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 7:00 PM
For my first remix for, I decided to challenge myself:
First of all, I would not take longer than one hour to make the mix (the fact that my computer crashed destroying my work halfway didn’t help) Second, I would use only samples already available on the website. And third, since I needed to catch up for missing time, I would not make a remix of one, but of TWO popular and wonderful songs on and magnatunes: Cuckoo and Overreacting (and even bits of another!). That way, I can get that out of my system at once. I don’t know if I succeeded, and it is a bit rough (my time ran out at the end), but it certainly is quirky. :-)
media, remix, how_i_did_it, brad_sucks, cuckoo, cut_up, experimental, female_vocals, male_vocals, overreacting, non_commercial_share_alike, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Reacting Cuckoo
The Mixversation
"Reacting Cuckoo"
by splattergnome 2005 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |