Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "A Wailing New System"

A Wailing New System
by Ekow Abaka da P.F.
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Tue, Jun 13, 2006 @ 2:47 PM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work
permalink   Tue, Jun 13, 2006 @ 4:54 PM
I like the melodic electronica intro. The percussion is good. There’s not enough variation prior to the Arel part, but the Arel portion adds a good bit to the piece. I like the spoken word/Arel contrast. I want to hear more of the cool electronica, with more variation and instruments, than some of the spoken word, but that may be my own bias toward electronica showing.

“Wailing” is just a lovely sample. I never tire of it.

This mix holds my interest, but I want even more oomph. Still, a fine enough listen, and a set of interesting disparate things popped together, which is always interesting. Some things fit together better than other things, and if I were “re-doing” this one, I’d delete all the vocals and take it a different place with that little bit of electronica melody.
permalink   Ekow Abaka da P.F. Wed, Jun 14, 2006 @ 11:05 AM
I’m a hip-hop guy and I can’t see myself doing somethung without rap. But its all good..