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Reviews for "Hip Life Flows (Ft. Mothers)"

Hip Life Flows (Ft. Mothers)
by Ekow Abaka da P.F.
Recommends (5)
Mon, Mar 20, 2006 @ 3:24 AM

Uses samples from:

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permalink   Mon, Mar 20, 2006 @ 5:07 PM
what can i say…ummm…it’s ok, just kinda boring to me. it needs more. right now it’s just a beat that doesnt change much, a ‘hiphop’ orchestra sample that has been used aLOT, and the rapping. not trying to be mean or anything, but i just don’t find it very captivating.
permalink   Mon, Mar 20, 2006 @ 9:37 PM
The synth line here is a bit too old-fashioned for my taste. The vocals mix down so that I can’t make out the lyrics, even though
they sound interesting. I’m not feeling sufficient excitement here—it’s not a rhythmic burn, but just a rhythm.

Not so much that something’s wrong with it, although I’m not sure the match-ups are perfect. It’s that I’m not excited about it.