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Reviews for "To the Rescue"

To the Rescue
by ScOmBer
Recommends (17)
Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 2:52 AM
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 4:46 AM
It’s a regular treat to come and see what you’ve been up to - musically and behaviourally. You don’t disappoint with this one, Mr Scomber
permalink   ScOmBer Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 4:58 AM
You must have cleaned that magical looking glass window of yours (it looks clean in your profile shot) because I’m such a well behaved boy.
Thanks for the review Cig, not sure about the “Scombi-poohs” tag though ;-).
permalink   CiggiBurns Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 5:13 AM
Thought I’d see how far I could push it. That’s always my problem. Here’s a bag of chilli and choc crisps by way of a making-up present.
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 9:58 AM
Another great one. Don’t get me wrong, because I like the earlier stuff, but somehow it feels as if it keeps getting better. Anyway, I am glad someone picked up John’s latest stems.
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:37 AM
Thanks Sub :-) I don’t know about better but it seems to be getting easier - sometimes
Thanks for tappn the clog
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 12:24 PM
This has a certain je ne sais quoi (or however you spell it) and I’ve listened a few times already. You really do just keep on getting better, as everyone seems to be saying. :)
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:42 AM
Merci. Jacinda. Vos chansons sont belles et uniques. Je ne peux pas attendre un autre. Merci pour vos mots gentils :-)
permalink   jacindae Thu, Apr 9, 2009 @ 10:52 AM
Quote: ScomberMerci. Jacinda. Vos chansons sont belles et uniques. Je ne peux pas attendre un autre. Merci pour vos mots gentils :-)
Ooh, just saw this reply.
Making me use a translator! Thank you dear. ^^
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 1:09 PM
Excellent! And about getting better, I don’t know, cause your stuff’s always GREAT!
Cheers Mr Convenience!
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:43 AM
Thanks Sir. Would you like fries with that?
permalink   Alex Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 6:17 AM
No thanks, I try to keep my windows clean:)
Kaer Trouz
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 4:23 PM
This is cool, and thank you for hearing the major triads that shaped the acapellas. I have listened three times.
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 3:47 AM
Thanks Kaer, you have a structure to your pellas that is well considered and rather beautiful when viewed in a piano roll format. Nice rolling hills, no unexpected jagged mountains or landslips.
Thank you very much.
S x
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 6:09 PM
the best possible thing has happened from immersing yourself in your art & setting your bad self such a preposterous challenge. you ARE getting better (& wiser for getting Kaer involved). stay up, hang eleven, don’t flinch, my brother.
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:35 AM
Thanks Panu. Your right about KT she is a treasure and her work is outstanding. How do you hang 11?
Ohhh… not during winter time though or when the bonito are running.
Cheers dude
permalink   panu Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 11:17 AM
actually in the shorebreak, during winter, it’s hang 10 1/2 or thereabouts.
John Anealio
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 8:13 PM
This is my favorite work of yours so far. I love how you blended all of the parts. Thanks for the great mash-up.
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:31 AM
Thank you John for the nice stems and unbounded inspiration.
Cheers Jedi
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 8:27 PM
very cool, definitely has a stranded on a lifeboat feel.
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:45 AM
Thanks guys for the review.
You guys certainly get pretty dirty with the soundz too
permalink   Mon, Mar 16, 2009 @ 9:55 PM
I can only hope that you’ll still have family and friends by the time you’re done with your ambitious project! If not, there’s always us here at ccM :-)
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 3:43 AM
Thanks Spin, my family are grateful that I don’t annoy them by singing in the shower anymore. (the studios sound proof - but not quite idiot proof - locked myself in the other night, hence the recent flourish of mixes. ;-)
I’d like to thank every ccM tragic supporting my quest for the holy grail. (great movie) or 365 virgins, which ever comes first.
permalink   Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 1:29 AM
I think you should tie one hand behind your back and wear one earplug to give the rest of us a chance!!:O)
permalink   ScOmBer Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 4:49 AM
You must be psychic RT. I had my hands free but my ears - I’m trying something a bit different thanks to an old school friend that is profoundly deaf. (true)
I really like him - he loves the sound of all my work.
permalink   panu Tue, Mar 17, 2009 @ 11:25 AM
that’s why the Bee Gees kept a finger in one ear at all times! anyway, i think that’s why.