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Reviews for "Ulk"

by onlymeith
Recommends (28)
Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 4:56 PM
Play Ulk

Samples are used in:

permalink   Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 5:15 PM
Good job, thx Ulk.
permalink   onlymeith Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 6:28 PM
Thanks so much for listening and review.
permalink   Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 6:22 PM
This track is interesting from start to end, wow! it’s packed in a impeccable production.
Wonderful synths, beautiful melodies… and the spoken words at the end are brilliant.

Congrats onlymeith
permalink   onlymeith Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 6:30 PM
I’m glad your enthusiasm. Thank you very much.
permalink   Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 10:26 PM
Great talking guitar and space pads, Meith
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 1:55 PM
Thanks for the review and take time to listen.
Ghost_k (Ghost Kollective)
permalink   Sat, Mar 31, 2012 @ 10:57 PM
fantastic strings, very good work, another front runner for the remix album!! thank you so much for this remix!!
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 1:57 PM
It has been very gratifying to work with your samples. Thanks for the positive review.
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 12:55 AM
Still a lot of intensity and longing in your remixes. Again, this track does not violate this rule. Excellent job ….
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 1:59 PM
Many thanks for your listening and very nice review.
Zep Hurme
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Epic. The Moody Blues -vibe is strong with this baby.
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 1:59 PM
I’m glad you liked it. Thank you.
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 5:15 AM
It’s hard for me not to compare this with my own mix of Ulkoavaruus with Fireproof Babies. But it’s easy to like them both equally. (Actually it’s easier to like this one more but I had to say I like them both equally so I wouldn’t offend myself.)
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:05 PM
Thank you very much for listening to mine. Of course you can be very proud of your excellent remix.
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 6:39 AM
Gorgeous. Will you post the stems? The strings & pads could be useful for many (including me).
permalink   timberman Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 6:58 AM
I just saw you’ve already posted the stems. Thanks.
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:07 PM
Thank you very much for listening and review. I hope that the samples can be really useful.
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 8:47 AM
The taste for the choosing of the instruments is very remarkable. I love the addittive synth on the start and the work of the strings, very nice guitar/drum riff. Evocative and relaxing, good music.
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:09 PM
Thank you very much for your feedback. It´s very rewarding.
Jacob Nowak
permalink   Sun, Apr 1, 2012 @ 7:02 PM
Very good mix Onlymeith.Love the guitar and strings- very nihilistic
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:10 PM
I’m glad you liked it. Thank you.
permalink   Mon, Apr 2, 2012 @ 7:44 AM
A magnificent and magnificently moving piece - especially when Fireproof Babies tells us about his Robot Girlfriend. This really found its way to my emotions.
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:12 PM
After several attempts, I remembered this excellent spoken word of FB, and it seemed very appropriate. Thanks for your review.
permalink   Tue, Apr 3, 2012 @ 9:04 AM
Excellent ..Quite a Journey !
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:14 PM
Thank you very much. Your reviews are always well appreciated.
permalink   Tue, Apr 3, 2012 @ 7:26 PM
Excellent work, the pacing and spacing is nice. I’ve been playing around with virtual “string machines” lately, so the pads made me smile :-)
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:17 PM
Thank you very much. It’s great a smile. I’m glad for it.
permalink   Wed, Apr 4, 2012 @ 8:13 AM
Phenomenal. I am so glad I didn’t listen to your remix before I worked on mine — I would have been intimidated into submission.
permalink   onlymeith Thu, Apr 5, 2012 @ 2:19 PM
Your praise for my remix is wonderful. Thank you very much.