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Reviews for "Coming Around"

Coming Around
by Dominique Cyprès
Recommends (3)
Thu, Mar 27, 2008 @ 8:35 PM
permalink   Thu, Mar 27, 2008 @ 8:49 PM
I like the combination of the guitar and the lyric. I also like the “crank beat” sample, and think it’s an intriguing juxtaposition. I suggest that the crank beat be used much more sparingly, so that the neat, spare guitar and vox sing together. I’m not sure you’ve got the pitch match 100 percent on the two, but they work well to my ears. The crank beat would be more effective if it came in only 1/4 as often as it does, as a kind of garnish on an interesting guitar/vox arrangement. A very interesting mix.
permalink   Fri, Mar 28, 2008 @ 8:37 AM
I really like the putting together of the guitar and vox but I found the percussion too distracting and not fitting the piece. I like the idea of the juxtaposition of the percussion to the guitar and vox I just think the sample you choose does not work so well.
permalink   Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 5:58 PM
Have to agree with the two above. I really liked the vocals and guitar and think the beat could have worked well but wasnt quite right. Vocals were a little bit choppy for me but overall a good idea. I hear something that could really good here.