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Reviews for "Porn Machine"

Porn Machine
by Hans Atom
Recommends (28)
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 7:02 AM
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 7:33 AM
Soon as I saw it had a fast piano loop…I knew it wasn’t safe for work..heehee. Cool track!
permalink   Hans Atom Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 8:06 AM
Haha. Although this is psychology for upper intermediate.
Doxent Zsigmond
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 7:34 AM
Oh wow. Thats really nice rockin’ piece.
permalink   Hans Atom Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 8:06 AM
Thanks Doxent. Glad you enjoyed.
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 8:59 AM
Rockin’! You took something raw and simple and made it so completely cool. Great arrangement, treatment and use of stereo field. Could definitely be radio hit :)
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:26 AM
Thanks Snowflake, much appreciated!
My Free Mickey
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 9:51 AM
Great track. I reminds me a bit to the song of T-raumschmiere, the game ‘s not over yet. But with more punk-elements.
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:30 AM
Thanks for mentioning T-Raumschmiere! Just listened the first time to their tracks and they sound really, really great.
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 11:38 AM
Out of adversity comes some fun music, I like it. Good version of the genre.
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:31 AM
Thanks Quarkstar. Whish it was always like that.
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 11:40 AM
Very current and up to date sound. I like the fact that it crosses genres to appeal to many :) Very catchy.
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:37 AM
Thanks copperhead. A workmate told me, I should put some club/drum and bass elements in certain parts. I did it half-heartedly maybe, but you realized! Thats cool.
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 11:55 AM
great track! I like your guitars riffs and drums. I enjoyed this music, sounds like music i used to listen long time ago. Amazing work
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:38 AM
Thank you Mr. Dice!
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 2:07 PM
This is freaking great, Hans Just love it!!!
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:39 AM
Hey Alex, I am very happy about that, cause you should know!
Kara Square
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 2:31 PM
Feels like the Pixies! Translation: YEAH! LIKE!
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:45 AM
Thanks a lot Kara! I love it when you mention my favorite bands and even put them in connection with the stuff I do!
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 2:34 PM
a very successful job,
congrats Hans,

permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:45 AM
Thanks a lot Mr. Emre Soul!!!!
permalink   Sun, Jul 21, 2013 @ 8:18 PM
plugs are pulled lights are out sparks send mind into fear then the lights return and before the crowd colors spell out think self to see self and the words speak of time filter where to visit first male female animal star moon hands wait hand? yes to grasp the concept of self so as not to let go…. very cool indeed ….peace
permalink   Mon, Jul 22, 2013 @ 1:37 AM
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:46 AM
permalink   Mon, Jul 22, 2013 @ 1:56 AM
But Hans, no need to excuse, this is perfect. Great drive, great attitude and great title.
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:50 AM
This is the first time I get a comment about the attidtude of a remix! Much appreciated Peer!
permalink   Mon, Jul 22, 2013 @ 2:41 PM
Well don’t I like it
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 1:52 AM
Happy to hear that!
permalink   Tue, Jul 23, 2013 @ 11:19 PM
Love it. Ed picked.
permalink   Hans Atom Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 2:39 AM
Thanks a lot Susan!!!!
permalink   Fri, Jul 26, 2013 @ 10:48 PM
wicked mix of a wicked song, i wanna pogo!