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Reviews for "up"

by Vidian
Recommends (18)
Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:13 AM
Play up
Ivan Chew
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:25 AM

Like a genius; I recommended Apoxode’s most recent upload right after the secret mixters were assigned, essentially obliterating the surprise. -.-

But seriously, this is an enjoyable track.
permalink   Vidian Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:02 AM
lol ya, feels bad.. not the first time I’ve accidentally done it either :P

But seriously, thanks ^ ^
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 9:56 AM
I think Apoxode is one of the best things to happen to ccMixter in quite a while. Excellent mixes and, like you said, lots of shared samples. What you’ve done here is quite lovely. Really nice.
permalink   Vidian Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 10:07 AM
Agreeee, I’m only sad I couldn’t find a way to make a coherent 5/4 drum loop or Id have added more of Apoxode’s solid drum tracks, but there’s always next remix :D n thnx.. I tried to keep it simple & close to hiz original remix
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 11:09 AM
This is a great build on my remix of Correspondence’s track, “Up _ Up”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to be remixed and to be a part of the Secret Mixter event — those are some happy samples in there! — but I do feel the vast majority of credit goes to Correspondence for this one.
permalink   Vidian Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 11:24 AM
ya I realized early on it was gunna be a remix of a remix, a lot of the direct samples I used of urs were like… fractions of a second so pretty hard to distinguish from the source material, I tried to add some same samples you curated for your mix - a line from Sackjo & the (faint) watery stream/birds as at least a nod to ur mix :P
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 11:52 AM
Loving the rising bells at the beginning. Then starts moving forwards to the sunny uplands of dreamy loveliness🤗really fab track
permalink   Vidian Tue, Jul 10, 2018 @ 7:33 AM
Ty ^ ^
It is very dreamy.. the bells demanded to stay that way and I couldn’t argue :\ I mean I tried, but they won.
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 1:04 PM
This is fabulous! Thank you so much for including me in the mix.
permalink   Vidian Tue, Jul 10, 2018 @ 7:27 AM
anytime ^.-

Ur in apoxode’s mix so I thought it’d be appropriate :P
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 1:22 PM
i loved reading about your process Vid. it gives me new appreciation for the challenge you faced here with varying time signatures (that would have been very hard for me!). you should be pleased with the result — because it is pretty darn sonorous. a wonderful musical journey. awesome mix.
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:39 PM
Thank yooouuu!!
It came out pretty well I think. I was able to focus more on mixing than actual sequencing which is probably what I like more anyways :P
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 4:41 PM
Very much like this - gorgeous, sensitive, and relatively minimal (in the best way - something I am very drawn to these days!).
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:18 PM
Yes, the more I tried to add the more it lost.. (Does that make sense??, No it doesn’t :\ )
I made the name to reflect its minimalism.. ty for picking that up ^ ^
Kara Square
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 5:50 PM
Oh shoot, Vid! This is great! Hypnotic. Beautiful. Refreshing.
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:16 PM
Kara.. I need to make more mixes just so I can hang out here more w/ u cuz ur rad and i miss u
permalink   Kara Square Tue, Jul 10, 2018 @ 2:08 PM
Awwwww… I miss you, too! I always love hearing your mixes! BIG hug!
permalink   Sun, Jul 8, 2018 @ 11:08 PM
Land of the rising bells

Hangs together well, V
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:17 PM
Yaaay, most times is a combobbled mess of noise.. this time it sounds like a thing XD thanks!!
permalink   Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 2:49 AM
This is lovely. Just floats.
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:13 PM
Merci ^ ^
permalink   Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 2:36 PM
Kept waiting for the big Vidian drop but it never came - and it didn’t matter! You’ve shown real restraint with this one and it pays back doubly
permalink   Vidian Mon, Jul 9, 2018 @ 4:12 PM
DUDE IT WAS SO HARD NOT TO JUST SWITCH OVER TO 4/4 IN GO CRAZY HOUSE ASSAULT ON EVERYONE. I Just couldnt figure out how to switch mid song on FL studios.. how lame is that XD You’ll get your drop next song I promise :D