RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Path of Glass (SackJo22

permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 4:23 AM
An intriguing challenge/invitation. Thanks for presenting it. Your preview mix is pretty mesmerizing on it’s own. I’ll be looking forward to hearing what comes of it and hope to come up with something myself.
permalink   SackJo22 Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:33 PM
I really look forward to what you come up with! I am sure it will fit perfectly with the theme and tone of this work (especially as we are allowing the tone of the work to emerge from the collective source).
Wired Ant
permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 7:24 AM
Indeed a very interesting project!
Your lyrics and performance (including Evelyn) is, as Speck wrote mesmerizing!
In fact this pella is an important piece of an ongoing project already including your “Eye of the Owl” pella!
Wonderful work Susann
permalink   SackJo22 Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:34 PM
Thanks so much! I hope you will play with us! The project is incredibly interesting,in part because of our unique collaborative process, which includes the ccMixter community and the inspiration it provides.
Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 8:56 AM
You always work on such exciting things! It will be great fun hearing what comes of this…
permalink   SackJo22 Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:37 PM
Thanks Kara. I’m really excited (and I must admit a bit intimidated) by this work. I really hope it ends up being beautiful - although I believe it will be because the elements that are coming together to create it are beautiful including dream material, things we see on our walks (like the path of broken stained glass I came across in the desert where I stayed for a weekend with my partners to get this project rolling), and our openness to let the work emerge.
permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 9:21 AM
mystical. glistening. beautiful.
permalink   SackJo22 Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:38 PM
Thanks Em. And thanks for your support as I get deeper and deeper into manifesting this work.
permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:31 PM
permalink   SackJo22 Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 12:39 PM
permalink   Mon, Nov 18, 2013 @ 4:30 PM
I’ve often walked down paths of glass which when you’re carrying an extra few pounds can be a dangerous thing to do!!

Your project looks interesting and kudos to you for offering it to the community at CCM to share in.