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Reviews for "Liberty Road"

Liberty Road
by Loveshadow
Recommends (57)
Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 4:09 AM
Steven M Bryant
permalink   Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 5:30 AM
And a Sweet twist this was!!!
Kara Square
permalink   Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Beautiful melody, lyrics, guitar… everything.
Admiral Bob
permalink   Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 4:54 PM
In addition to all your many talents, you may in fact be the best balladeer we have here.
permalink   Loveshadow Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 3:15 PM
Thanks for that you are too kind. :-)

`Balladeer’ I might get that put on my passport.
permalink   Admiral Bob Sat, Apr 30, 2011 @ 4:15 AM
I was trying to do something with this, but sadly I can only figure out some of the chords. :(
permalink   Loveshadow Sat, Apr 30, 2011 @ 6:19 PM
I’ll write them out, its not as complex as it might sound.
permalink   Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 6:45 PM
Ok I finally had to take the time to figure out how to create a playlist because of this song.. it only took about 10 seconds to figure out, but my point is…this is just perfect.
permalink   Thu, Apr 28, 2011 @ 10:44 PM
made speechless from the beauty of this song. its sincerity strikes right at my core. gorgeous.
Mana Junkie
permalink   Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 9:57 AM
Simply Divine!
permalink   Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Another bear … :-)

You do get a few extra points for using “Dalek” in a song lyric. Had you used “Cybermen” I’d have given this one 5 stars.
permalink   Admiral Bob Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 1:47 PM
Daleks are cooler. :)
permalink   essesq Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 2:02 PM
…not since they went technicolor and can do stairs they’re not :-)…besides the extra points were for the extra syllable and how you could get it into a lyric…and don’t get me started on those new Cybermen…they don’t remind me at all of my vacuum cleaner…I hope PBS here stateside will rerun the oldy goldies…they’ll have to with all these budget cuts :-).
permalink   Loveshadow Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 3:12 PM
Just so you know and can picture it. Dalek City is a real place, it was actually a power plant about half a mile from where I grew up that at night time was floodlit with an array of coloured lights. It hummed and occasionally sparked a bit when it rained. Those were the best nights to see it. You kept out of sight though as no one wanted to be Exterminated !
permalink   essesq Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 3:32 PM
In that case you don’t need the reruns, you lived right next to the set. Lucky you :-). Sorry for the misunderstanding, it is often difficult to tell truth from fiction in song lyrics. In this case the explanation certainly enriches the imagery of the song. Thank you :-).
permalink   Loveshadow Sat, Apr 30, 2011 @ 2:48 AM
No apology needed. There are quite a few songs where I wish I knew what the hell they meant by certain lines.
Burn You Up possibly ?
permalink   Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 9:22 PM
*sigh* Some guys just have ALL the talent: singing, song-writing, production. It ain’t fair! LOL!
permalink   Fri, Apr 29, 2011 @ 10:08 PM
Simply beautiful!
Zep Hurme
permalink   Tue, May 3, 2011 @ 12:37 PM
I’m speechless …
permalink   Tue, May 3, 2011 @ 3:19 PM
I wish i could sing. Nicely done… very nice
permalink   Sat, May 21, 2011 @ 9:45 PM
Had to let this one sit til I could speak. Devastating.
permalink   Fri, Oct 7, 2011 @ 6:33 AM
permalink   Wed, Nov 23, 2011 @ 6:40 PM
this song is wonderful!
and very well performed!

edit: I can’t recognize some chords! weird! Please can you write them in the lyrics?
permalink   Sat, Apr 7, 2012 @ 4:07 AM
Lots of new names here at the Mixter but its good to see you’re still up there at the top after all these years. Fantastic vocal work!
Doxent Zsigmond
permalink   Thu, Dec 27, 2012 @ 8:00 AM
Wonderful track. Is there a guitar only track somewhere?
Hans Atom
permalink   Thu, Apr 7, 2022 @ 6:36 AM
Wow! This is such a beautiful pella. How could i miss this all the time?
Dave Lee
permalink   Fri, Apr 19, 2024 @ 5:32 PM
What an utterly beautiful ballad, thank you so much for sharing (even though it was 13 years ago!!)

I selected this track as one of my Standout tracks of the year on episode 801 of The Bugcast which was recorded tonight. I mentioned on the show that since I first played you on the show (again, about 13 years ago) I’d always known you as a remixer, pushing other people’s vocals to the front, and yet I find myself looking for songs that actually have you as a principal vocalist because… well… you have an amazing voice and a phenomenal musical talent. This song just proves the point.

Thank you for all you do.