RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "So long and unremembered"

So long and unremembered
by Fireproof_Babies
Recommends (8)
Fri, Dec 28, 2007 @ 3:48 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

Video: Focus by savagewit
permalink   Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 5:42 AM
Warm and psychadelic - gone straight on my ipod.
permalink   Fireproof_Babies Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 10:02 AM
thanks K- we appreciate it.
permalink   Sat, Dec 29, 2007 @ 1:14 PM
what a neat sonic journey. Now it just needs a video!
permalink   Fireproof_Babies Wed, Jan 2, 2008 @ 7:29 PM
a video….yes, we’ve discussed that.
I started working on one, and then it
took on a separate life of its own. Check out my videos
permalink   spinmeister Wed, Jan 2, 2008 @ 8:40 PM
very nice, but what does it all mean?

on second thought, don’t answer that — it may bring the entire ccMixter website to a grinding halt! lol :-)
permalink   Wed, Jan 2, 2008 @ 10:16 AM
I’ve been listening to some of your tracks (after I found your remix of Horsefeathers ;-) ), and I have to say this is certainly my favorite.

I love the subtle changes in mood of the track. It conveys so many different images…

And I simply love those drum sounds!! (if one day you could upload the drum track for sampling, it would make me soo happy…)
permalink   Fireproof_Babies Wed, Jan 2, 2008 @ 7:21 PM
We thank you for listening and appreciating! I’d post the drums solo, but I fear they won’t stand alone as a sample. They were played to sync. with a very unique track.
If you’d like, I could send you the drum track personally; and U could sift through it…….FB
permalink   Wed, Jan 9, 2008 @ 9:06 PM
What a drug problem! hahaha,,, I feel in the 60s listening this song… and i loved the end, I think that guitar in front of all is very well seated in there… A good meal for your ears.
permalink   Tue, Sep 22, 2009 @ 10:47 AM

I decided to randomly go through the backlog of ccM tracks and at page 334 I find this absolute gem. Holy crap, man - this is stellar. Absolutely stellar. What an incredible journey.

Can’t say enough good things about this track.