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Reviews for "Slanted Voices"

Slanted Voices
by 7OOP3D
Recommends (10)
Tue, Apr 18, 2006 @ 4:37 PM
Colin Mutchler
permalink   Thu, Apr 20, 2006 @ 10:22 AM
Wow! I love the way you cut up and brought back together lines from two of my earlier pieces from 1999 and added amazing ambience. Great story telling.

Keep up the great work!
permalink   7OOP3D Thu, Apr 20, 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Cool to hear that from you! It was a real pleasure for us to take such great samples.

And thanks to all other comments of course.
permalink   Tue, Apr 18, 2006 @ 9:10 PM
Wow! (surprised and delighted) Voices = instruments. Great flow and texture. Scenes align gently and expertly. Solid.
Melissa Brewer
permalink   Wed, Apr 19, 2006 @ 2:42 PM
A very nice and unexpected mix.
permalink   Thu, Apr 20, 2006 @ 2:25 AM
This makes me wanna dig out my Gibson books or watch something like Brazil. Surreal grit. Very nice effort.