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Playlist: Parallel Paths Secret Mixter

Parallel Paths Secret Mixter
created by mwicc Thursday, November 9, 2023 @ 5:50 AM

ccMixter Parallel Paths Secret Mixter

“Parallel paths often lead to extraordinary destinations.” - Karen Salmansohn

Just like train tracks, ccMixter and Mixter Plus are running along a parallel path supporting the locomotive of remix culture. They function together inseparably, distributing the music we create to listeners and content creators around the world.

This is why we’ve entitled the second Secret Mixter of 2023 “Parallel Paths.”

Parallel Paths celebrates ccMixter’s creative track, tried and true. The Secret Mixter event has reliably arrived with upload days of new and original remixes since 2004. Now, almost twenty years later, we continue on.

And though some of us have taken this journey before, none of us have yet arrived at where we are going. New tracks are being produced as the world of creative expression continues to get crazily more complex. With the changes we’re going through it may seem like this train is the Ozzy Osbourne “Crazy Train” but in reality, it’s a freight train carrying the legacy of remix culture into a new future.

“Sometimes parallel paths can bring people closer than intersecting ones ever could.” - Unknown

New destinations are popping up around us, and we have the experience we need to connect to them. We have a reliable past to draw from as we build into the future. We’ve blazed new paths before and we’re up to the challenge once again.

Together through ccMixter and MixterPlus we roll on. Listen to the whistle of remix culture blowin’ on down the line as we ride the rails of creative collaboration toward a common destination.

Are you new to Secret Mixters? Read this first before you sign up. Otherwise, climb aboard! You don’t need a ticket, just sign up now. This Secret Mixter is about to leave the station!

Event Dates:
Sign up between July 9-July 23
Assignments go out July 23
Upload day is August 6

Comment in the forum post HERE.