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The Lesson is a Parallel Path

uploaded: Sun, Aug 6, 2023 @ 5:42 AM
byJoel Frijters
FeaturingMana Junkie, straget (
Recommends (15)
Hello All!

I had the privilege of remixing Mana Junkie!!! In addition to being my favourite kind of junkie, Mana Junkie has undeniable aesthetic and it was a tonne o’ fun to play in, around and through. One could almost call it parallel play :)

The text proper is below! I hope you enjoy!!!

Much Love,

The Lesson is a Parallel Path

Terrible lessons we all must learn
Evil and flea bitten
Riding in to the dark night of the soul
Hold nothing dear
Terrible lessons we all must learn

Learn we must the terrible lessons to trust
Bloodied and struck silent
Riding into the dark night of the soul
Hold nothing dear
Learn we must the terrible lessons to trust

To trust the path we shall never outlast
Our fears, our unmercifully salty tears
Riding into the dark night of the soul
As we hold nothing dear
To trust the path
To trust the path
To trust the path
To trust the path…

Part two:

To Trust the path
Use no words
From the trees
From 1000 creatures
Who trust the path…

Part Three:

Get down you fools
From your mountain tops
From your righteous fortifications
Get down low
Touch that blesséd ground

Get down you fools
Break your ego and your crowns
Unsettle yourselves
From your encampment
Get down on it
Bless that touchéd ground

Get down you lovely, beautiful, wonderful fools
Get down on it
And set your sights
No higher than your lowered gaze
Get down on it
And trust the path…

"The Lesson is a Parallel Path"
by Joel Frijters

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Get down, touch the ground and trust the path with this brilliant mix from Joel Frijters. “The Lesson” features sounds and beats from Mana Junkie as Joel takes you on an epic journey through the egoic dark night of the soul into the light of 1000 trees.
