Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The Lesson

uploaded: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 @ 8:59 AM last modified: Sun, Aug 4, 2013 @ 5:26 PM  (replace)
byMana Junkie
Recommends (8)
People say to get off it.
Think I claim to be a prophet,

when all I am is a conduit.

A broken voice on the line,
one I swear is mine

“don’t doubt, seeds sprout!”

I should’a known

that a voice from the future presently becomes the past,

and, yes, I know that I’m talkin’ too fast,

but my voice, their voice, your voice, our voice,

is crying out loud for “freedom of choice!”

-To choose, to lose, to use,
to take our cues and rise up against our oppressors;

for we are not the lessers, we are the lesson:

that people can jettison corrupt governments from power,

and now is that hour!

Our time isn’t near, it’s already here!

So take with you those who are dear.

And know that the good have nothing to fear.

Failure, torture, massacre, disaster.

These are the ploys that are plaguing our little boys and girls at night.

Will you stand up and fight?!

Then tonight,
when you’re lyin’ down for rest,
give a call to the blessed,
for there are those who tried,
and through
life taking
have been denied a voice to speak.

And though it may sound weak,

we have to break their streak, break their stride,

for too many have cried for too long.

No, this ain’t no protest song;

it’s a lovesong to our sisters and brothers all over the planet!

That each atom and electron loves
you and me
and even them damnitt!

So when they shout in hate,
those who idle and berate…

Don’t act like the few, act like the many.

Then you’ll have plenty of reinforcements.
For this thing,
this humanity!
Is all insanity.
Without a cause, why Be.
This movement is about
you, and well,
about me.


"The Lesson"
by Mana Junkie

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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