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Ocean Dreams (Parallelized)

uploaded: Sun, Aug 6, 2023 @ 1:56 AM last modified: Sun, Aug 6, 2023 @ 1:57 AM  (add)
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Uff, this was a tough one. Until the last secret mixter - to be honest - I was not really aware of Rewob. Not because I did not like the music. My first “thumbs up” for one of Rewob’s songs is Choices - which dates back to 2009. And then eventually I had the luck to be remixed by Rewob.
Waking Dreams (Secret Mixter)
. With this excellent remix in mind I started digging through the uploads.

Sadly there were only few stems. I found only one and I think this was from another artist.

I thought about doing some chopping and creating something wild. But this did not feel good. Eventually Oceam Dreams caught my attention. Think everybody know that I love (dark) beats. But heavy beats for this song? No way. But beats were missing. At least some kind of.

So I searched for some congas and other percussion stuff.

Imagine sitting at the beach. A fire burning before you. From somewhere the melody flies in. Somebody starts to playing conga. Other people join the beat. The journey begins.

"Ocean Dreams (Parallelized)"
by musikpirat

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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