Imagination Rising Remix Event
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .:

Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .

About Me
a dad with a serious day job and 2 little boys - not much time to play - love the community that has sprung up here

…..I guess there are lots of new Mixters around (welcome!), so I’ll share a little more about what I’m trying to do that many of the people who have been around longer already know. Last summer (2005), I started writing songs after long intending to try. At the time, my biggest reliable chunks of free time were during my commute, so that’s when I wrote. Almost all of the ‘pella’s you see from me on the site were written while driving, all the while receiving disapproving looks from rough looking men in pick-up trucks. Since those days, we’ve moved from Minnesota to Washington and my commute is just 10 minutes. So I guess I’ll write at home now ;). My priorities are songwriting first and improving at writing the music and doing production/ instrumentation/ sequencing second. Eventually when I have enough songs I deem worthy, I will reverse the priorities and focus on producing and mastering an album of my songs (one of my lifelong goals). I love the idea of collaborating, so if you’re a musician/producer or singer and you like any of my songs and/or would like to develop something together, please contact me….. .. .
Member since
Thu, Nov 18, 2004
Feeds and Podcasts for Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. . is found 24 times in playlists
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. . has 13 remixes and has been remixed 86 times.
Review Stats
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. . has left 119 reviews and has been reviewed 113 times
Forum posts
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. . has posted 102 forum messages