Kara Square
About Me
Hello! I’m Kara Square, a ukulele slinging, songwriting and singing music maker. I’m proud to be part of ccMixter’s admin team.
If you need custom music, I’d be happy to compose it for you. Want examples?
Ukulele Glue with ccMixter
Roses & Thorns with Piero Peluche
Square Meter with Piero Peluche
Ukulele Duels
Love Songs For Everyone But Especially Uke
Dust from the Stars with Team Smile and Nod
Team Smile and Nod has it’s own ccMixter page.
If you need custom music, I’d be happy to compose it for you. Want examples?
Ukulele Glue with ccMixter
Roses & Thorns with Piero Peluche
Square Meter with Piero Peluche
Ukulele Duels
Love Songs For Everyone But Especially Uke
Dust from the Stars with Team Smile and Nod
Team Smile and Nod has it’s own ccMixter page.
Member since
Fri, Jun 18, 2010
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Kara Square has 113 remixes and has been remixed 1340 times.
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Favorite people
Admiral·Bob, Alex, Anchor, Bluemillenium, CiggiBurns, Abstract·Audio, CSoul, Down·With·Ben, debbizo, Dysfunction_AL, J.Lang, Doxent·Zsigmond, Fireproof_Babies, gurdonark, Hans·Atom, jacindae, Stefan·Kartenberg, Mana·Junkie, MC·Jack·in·the·Box, morgantj, musikpirat, panu, timberman, Piero·Peluche, Pitx, error404, rocavaco, Calling·Sister·Midnight, SackJo22, Snowflake, Speck, spinmeister, stellarartwars, Dimitri·Artemenko, Super_Sigil, TheDICE, unreal_dm, Zapac
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