

About Me
Non-musician ambient music creator.
I am perhaps the least musical of the mixters.

I have a great deal of fun. It’s amazing what one can do with a softsynth, freeware tools, the ability to read music, and a little hope.

My main analog instrument is a can-jo, if one discounts the nose flute, the autoharp, the mountain dulcimer, the kazoo and the variety of household items I also play. These find their way into my music, frequently as synthesizer voices.

I believe in the Creative Commons as part of a movement to share culture, and I license into the CC and use CC licensed material with fervor and pleasure.

I love to connect with collaborators, to put image to sound, sound to image, or words into orbit.

I live on the edge of the Texas prairie, 25 miles north of Dallas.

I record weirdbient music.

My latest release is “Constellation Blackbird”, released BY SA on the Weareallghosts netlabel:

I have a number of releases on netlabels here and there.

If you like Gurdonark music, and wish to find more, then you may download any of the following works for free under Creative Commons licenses:
Member since
Mon, Feb 21, 2005
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