Imagination Rising Remix Event
Admiral Bob:
Mon, Mar 11 2:25 PM The Big OT :: Article: "Let's remember to be kind"
I went and listened to it (White Knights.) I kinda like that, nothing to cringe ...
Fri, Feb 22 10:29 AM DIY :: You ever discovered something you didn't know you could do?
Discussion starter.... OK for me two things: I can read music, and I didn'...
Thu, Feb 21 11:31 AM DIY :: EU Uploadfilter
IANAL, but the EU law doesn't actually use the word "filter", it simply describe...
Mon, Feb 11 8:21 AM Features :: Search by License
I guess the site takes a "creator first" point of view. A lot of our contributor...
Fri, Feb 8 12:39 PM Announcements :: ccMusic Award Nominees
I was honoured to be nominated, and am most impressed by the work of the winning...
Tue, Jan 29 8:19 AM Features :: Search by License
Since the site's aim, really, was to start the biggest band in the world with th...
Tue, Jan 29 7:52 AM Bugs :: No access to remixes listing
We fixed this last night. I didn't post a status update because I was tired out ...
Mon, Dec 10 7:16 AM Announcements :: Help Us Re-Design ccMixter
Three sharps - f# minor or A? There's almost no difference, you can't always fig...
Sat, Oct 27 4:39 AM Help :: Tracks not playing
This would work. When I redid the player, I look for the old player and replace ...
Thu, Oct 11 4:35 AM DIY :: Guitar tone shortcut - fingers
A few years ago I figured out what seems to be the quickest shortcut to getting ...
Wed, Oct 10 6:56 PM The Big OT :: The difference between FLAC and 320 kbps
That actually makes a ton of sense. Computers can read that audio data cleanly, ...
Wed, Oct 10 1:17 PM The Big OT :: The difference between FLAC and 320 kbps
...there isn't any unless you're a dog or a baby. I frequently hear people ta...
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